Field updates - Heat and Growth

in #hive-1406354 months ago

Hello, everyone interested in gardening! 👨‍🌾 👩‍🌾

Yesterday morning, I had some bureaucratic things to take care of at the municipality. I wanted to go to work later but lost my will to work and stayed home for the rest of the day. Around noon, I went to the field to see what was happening.
Yesterday was the fifth day it stopped raining, and the sun shone brightly. It was 32 degrees Celsius, still quite hot, and almost all the humidity had disappeared.

On the surface, the ground is already cracking.

The soil will need some watering in the late afternoon.

Although asparagus season is over, there are still a few left. They are not as fat as the previous ones and are more fibrous if not picked in time, but I don't mind.



We have enough lettuce, but in fact, too much. We'll soon get tired of it because we make it every day for lunch :)


The one in the plant bed is interesting because when you cut the head off, a new one grows if you leave the roots.


The courgettes are also flowering. One is planted in the ground, and weeds are growing around it, but I don't think there will be any damage because it's already big.
My wife added cardboard around the other one, with no weeds.



Here's a little experiment.
This year, we planted pickling cucumbers, which have small fruits. They are called Kornison or something like that. The plant needs some support to grow. We put a curved metal net on one side and some braided string on wooden sticks next to it. We'll see how much it grows.



Let's move on :)

The tomatoes were the ones we tried the hardest. We built a canopy a month ago, mainly because of the rain and humidity. Tomatoes don't like that; they usually get sick. Maybe now they won't anymore. But there are no fruits yet.




And what is it here? It looks empty at first, but if you look carefully, you'll see little green plants peeking out of the soil. These are soya beans from my mother, who has had the same seeds for over twenty years.
I had 7 kilos of soya the year before last. Take a look at my first Edamame recipe :)
I planted it from the same seed last year, and there was no plant. I still do not know why, but the first ones have already peeped out this year.




Chayote, which I am planting for the first time this year, is also wrapping up nicely on the net next to the soya beans.
I am interested in seeing what it will produce.



Cabbage, kale, and broccoli also look fine.




Potatoes have looked better this year. If this continues, I expect a very good harvest. We planted them two months ago, and 10 April is on the calendar. I think we'll start digging this early one very soon.



Now, a view from the other side :)
Next to the sticks on the right is a green bean planted a month ago, and on the left is a common bean planted two weeks ago and for the first time.



That's all well and good, but where are the pumpkins? 😜
That's undoubtedly what @beeber, @der-prophet, and @solymi will ask. I've entered the Hive world pumpkin championship hosted by @hive-world-champ. It's still time to enter if anyone is interested.

Don't panic; the pumpkins are here, too :)
In a post 14 days ago, when everything was still muddy and wet, I was, I admit, a bit skeptical, so much rain poured down that at times I thought everything would rot because of the rain.

They have recovered quite well in the last week, and the worst is over, so they will continue growing.
However, if there is a drought, they will need watering.




As you can see bellow, they have plenty of places to grow. Eight plants have been planted, and no weeds around (yet) because I loosen the soil regularly with a hand cultivator.
Now, I will water periodically. Some pumpkins will grow, for sure :)

These are all edible pumpkins, which are unlikely to grow very large. But there's one more thing: at the beginning of the field (second photo), my wife has planted some seeds of ordinary pumpkins, the ones we usually hollow out for Halloween; those can be very big, but nothing has sprouted, so I haven't taken a picture yet.
If they sprout, I will definitely let you know :)


I'm not done yet :)
Another experiment.
In the picture below, these big plants are not weeds but winter radicchio or chicory. (Pumpkins are in the top right corner.)
We deliberately let it grow as much as it can to flower and get seeds. Then it will, or should, plant itself here and grow over the winter. We'll see if it makes it.

Thank you for your attention and for persevering to the end. 😀

My HiveGardening posts this year:
Field Works 1, Field Works And Rain, Field updates - Heat and Growth

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You’ve got a very big garden. Also, I’d love to see your tomatoes grow
I heard it doesn’t really take much time before it grows
Is that true?

Maybe this is true in a stable climate. But here you have to have protection. Or so I'm told. I've had a few every year but most of them have rotted before they were ripe.

You have a great project, and good idea of ​​tomatoes, they are very delicate plants, it has cost me to make fruit. For some reason they die.

Thank you for stopping by. We'll see what happens when we make a canopy to protect them from rain.

Your garden is developing magnificently. I can't wait to see how this wet summer will affect the pumpkins

Great work in the garden, I think tomatoes require tender nurturing and could be why you didn't get anything yet? It has also been a strange year weather wise so far, at least here.

You are right. It requires a little more care than other plants. That's why we made a canopy to protect it from the rain.

wow you have huge area for gardening! For the tomatoes you can plant some basil in the same bead. Keeps away some parasites. Have fun with the pumpkin experiment.

It's true, I have a lot of space. I could plant more. Maybe next year. However, it's impossible for me to plant in my flat because I don't have a big balcony.
Yes, I have one basil plant there between tomatoes. Maybe I should put another one or two?

I love this kind of gardening where you grow almost all of your own food. It is a wonderful idea to cut the cardboard in the middle and place it around the plant. I am sure this is to protect the plant from the intense heat. Love your garden, all your plants and the way you protected them. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you very much for the support!
More or less, we grow all our own summer and autumn vegetables. Even too much for my family, so what is left we give around.

Even too much for my family, so what is left we give around.

Wow, It would feel even better doing this! :)

There is a popular phrase in German saying: Kirsche rot - Spargel tot! (cherry red - asparagus dead)
And how many red cherries have you eaten already? 🍒😉
Why do you leave the soil in such a naked state? Well, especially now that the hot season is about to start, I constantly try to keep everything covered with a mulch of autumn leaves, straw, and grass clippings.
Last night, by the way, we had a visit from a couple of deer who were really keen on our beetroot and kohlrabi leaves. 🙄😏
Is it quite sandy in your garden, or why does it seem so light in colour?

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Kirsche rot - Spargel tot! And how many red cherries have you eaten already?

Very few this year. We have one cherry, mostly all rotten because of rain. For a miracle, the sour cherry - višnja - was not harmed by anything.

Why do you leave the soil in such a naked state?

It is intentionally so. If you had seen my posts from previous years, you would have seen one jungle. Snails are the main reason. Next to the field is an abandoned plot of land that is already a real forest, and snails are invading from the dampness—thousands of snails.

Is it quite sandy in your garden, or why does it seem so light in color?

It's just a color. It was a very sunny day, about noon, with the Sun shining directly from the top. The soil is dark brown and clayey.

we had a visit from a couple of deer

I have wild boars as well as deer.

Looks good and the pumpkin plants have the space they need, now that sun is out they will grow quickly I think.

Hey @beeber, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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