“God save the queen, man.” President Biden in Wonderland

in #hive-140662last year

I wanted to add some humor today, to counter the current narrative of dark and foreboding clouds on the horizon of planet earth. And the funniest thing I stumbled across (and nearly fell off my bicycle) is this quote by the clown pretender who stole the president’s seat in USA. He ended his speech recently on gun control by saying “God save the queen, man.” which is wrong on so many levels.

Biden pixa.jpg

Obviously the guy is senile. Firstly the USA is way past being a dependent of the monarchy in UK, where the phraze is popular. That ride ended over 200 years ago. Secondly, the queen is dead boys. She died nine months ago and Charles is king. So the correct term is “God save the king, ma’am.”

But then King Biden the corrupt was presumably being gender friendly, so he swapped his pronouns and called Charles a queen. And why not? We live in a world of Oz now, where everything is its opposite. Men are women and women are men. You should have Pride in your perversions USA, since you are doing so well at them.

You simply have to laugh when the clowns come out, pun intended, to play. Biden is the clown who runs your circus now. No, not really, he runs nothing, He is run by other running dogs from the deep state, or the CCP who love to eat running dogs for lunch. They bought and paid for the criminal Biden family, so they can have their cake and eat it. “We are not amused” I hear you say behind your vaccine mask of piety. Well, how do you think the rest of us feel, obliged to watch your clown show and Pride month melt the carpet on the Space Station with its cringeworthy effect.

Don’t take me seriously, this is all in jest. Many a true word is hidden in jest, didn’t you know? So when fake President Biden says “God save the queen, man.” he is revealing the truth of the matter and hiding it in plain sight, like a good illumiati is likely to do. Or whatever old boys club he bats for nowadays.

The truth in Biden’s closing words at the gun control speech reveals to us that the world is still run from the City of London, and from the Buckingham Palace. Biden just told us so. And that king Charles is actually a queen, by today’s standards where you can be anything you want to be, man.

So get used to it. When the big guy says it, then you had better believe it. Charles is a queen and she runs the world from the palace in London. The USA is a colony of London, which is the center of world finance and banking. It is where the chief criminals run the circus called capitalism on the planet today.

This is what world finance and politics has devolved to today, in my opinion. This is the best source of humor in the morning, with our cuppa Joe, like the old uncle always said it should be. With a president like that, you can’t really keep any state secrets, can you? Now we all know that either Charles is a queen and the UK runs the scene, or Biden is a bot who has seriously lost the plot, I kid you not.

You take your pick. Which way do you identify the world? Don’t worry about truth or facts, they are so old school. Just keep your eye on the yellow brick roan and dance your way on through Oz all day long, because the wizard Biden is weaving the spell right before your eyes. And yes, the emperor has new clothes, even if you can’t see them. He has a new thought police and a newspeak that would impress George Orwell tremendously.

This engineered collapse of USA and the dollar is open and public for all the world to see. When you deliberately put a senile old man on the stage as your leader, then obviously you are deliberately helping the world with a boost of clown humor to lighten our spirits. Or you are deliberately making a laughing stock of the USA and showing it up as an empire in decline. It is all theatrics and stage show. Even I can see the engineered collapse of USA going on, like the collapse of Building 7 at Ground Zero on 9/11. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain.

Yet still many will insist that the emperor has new clothes. Sycophants need a job and life must go on. So let the fake President Biden sing the British national anthem, God save the queen, because there are few true Americans left in the USA who remember the war of independence where families fought and died to be free of the colonial yoke of oppression over two centuries ago.

Most USA residents now are illegal aliens who flooded across the southern border, deliberately left open by President Biden. USA is a rotting shell of its former self and the fake president is the apex delinquent running that stinking cesspit of depravity. At least he is remembering his pronouns and remembering God and the Queen (peace be upon her dead corpse). If you’re enjoying the shitshow called a day in the life of planet earth, then pass the popcorn and get ready for the main act which has just started, called the Summer offensive, because it is about to get much more offensive and politically incorrect lads.

And if you’ve run out of popcorn, then not to worry because we have some insects which are more nutritious for you to snack on. Your overlords are totally taking care of you and have your best interests at heart, so come to the cabaret, because life is a cabaret, where you pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, and smile all the while as your leader shows you just how to enjoy the view from the Titanic and enthuses you with his protective and reassuring words of wisdom and lucidity.

I kid you not, man.

(image pixabay)


He’s a Sex Pistols fan.

Yes that could be it.