in #hive-1409712 years ago

Buenas noches @jimmyrosy encantadora lección nos has traído hoy que la puedo sintetizar en "Nada lo construimos solos" ser consciente de ello nos permite establecer mejores relaciones con los demás en cualquier ámbito de nuestras vidas,

Dicen que en asuntos de negocios no hay amigos, sin embargo, son las personas que conocemos, a aquellas que les hemos dado nuestra confianza, respeto, responsabilidad, compromiso, las que en un momento dado pueden ayudarnos. Construir esta red es parte de lo que somos.

Saludos para ti y tu familia.

Good evening @jimmyrosy lovely lesson you have brought us today that I can synthesize in "Nothing we build it alone" being aware of this allows us to establish better relationships with others in any area of our lives,

They say that in business matters there are no friends, however, it is the people we know, those we have given our trust, respect, responsibility, commitment, who at any given moment can help us. Building this network is part of who we are.

Greetings to you and your family.

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Good morning from here, thanks so much, i really appreciate your kind gesture, for taking time through my blog.