This kind of fish is what we called, Tamban. It is very good for grilling and frying but most of the residents preferred to eat Kinilaw recipé, on which they eats raw food added with some spices just like onions, garlics, ginger, vinegar and chilli pepper. This is also perfect for grilling fish added with soysauce and chilli pepper, this will help to have more appetite.
Lamesahan place is very perfect for fishing activities and in fact, there are lots of small boats sailing to the sea. Some of the fish that sells in the market was from this area, some of the place was also under fish sanctuary and it can protect the marine wildlife and to help them increasing and multiplied. When the weather is good and calm, their small boats will only place in sea but if there is a big waves and strong winds, they will place their small boats to the safe place.
In order for not completely destroyed the place by the big waves, the residents decided to put a pile of big stones in the coastal line. This will so that it wont be eroded and maintain the beauty and fascinating of the place. In order to become intact and well build perfectly, they also put more concrete so that the pile of big rocks will be fitted and intact with each other. This is the only way to beat the strong winds and waves.
Not all of the shoreline consists of big stones, there are also parts of the place that contains peebles just like this one were I standing. This kind of stones is very perfect for decorations just like in the Aquarium or in Bonsai methods. There are lots of colors and sizes of this pebbles and it is very nice to see specially when we are walking in this area barefoot.
For many years has passed, the place was slowly sinking and destroyed by the big waves. This was a land full of trees but now, it was completely turned into stones, sands and pebbles brought by the sea waves. The big stone rolls from the top of the high place and landed to the shoreline. Some of the big stone was filled with mangroves and other kinds of sea plants.
The sky was very clear and the color of the sky reflects to the sea water. This kind of day was very perfect for doing some traveling adventure. Lamesahan place was constructed with bay walks but as the years has passed, the said bay walk was completely destroyed by sea waves and the concrete walls and pathways was also vanished and submerge to the deep sea.
This is the National Highway of the place and it contains a great overview from here down to lamesahan beach. The place near at this road was also developed into leasing areas and there was new constructed roads in this high place. Soon, this area will have new establishments and houses will built here and turn into a commercial areas.
A progressive place is very nice and proud of. In this way, we can convince other people to visit our place particularly here in Lamesahan coastal line.