The presence of a miniature wooden boat in the middle of a crowd of fishing boats that were anchored suddenly caught my attention. Without thinking twice, this moment became the main focus of the shot because the theme raised in this miniature wooden boat work adopted one of the engine-powered wooden boats owned by local fishermen.
This miniature wooden boat is a craft made by children living in a fishing settlement. It took them a long time to work on it, as the distinctive components and colors of one of their wooden fishing boat examples are highlighted in this work.
Because it is made from the fronds of sago trees, this miniature wooden ship can float easily when played by children here. Unlike the case with the children's work here previously, which was made from styrofoam cork . However, in essence, their imagination must be heavily influenced by the environment in which they live. Let's take a moment to see how much fun they have playing with miniature wooden boats made by coastal children here.
And here's a detailed picture of when the miniature wooden boats are ready to go to sea, like other wooden fishing boats.
While the other kids were occupied using their hooks to search for fish. Fish will be simple to find in this location during high tide.
Other sorts of fishing boats are also present here; they are all constructed of wood, and of course, the wooden boats in this region have colorful and interesting designs.
The narration in this post is the result of short interviews with coastal children, as shown in the picture above. This pictures taken with: Canon EOS 6D Camera+70-300mm Lens. Sago Trees; Metroxylon sagu.
Photographs were taken: Estuary of Pusong Lhokseumawe, Indonesia.
Thank you, by: @ichsannanda (nandaalbintang).