🚫 My Unplanned Hive Hiatus 🤷‍♂️ Is It Over? 🤷‍♂️

in #hive-14135911 months ago


It's been around 2 months since I've been able to make a blog post, and I neither saw it coming or knew how long it would last, or if it's over yet.

🐯 ChairWoman Meow Improved Her Hunting Skills 🦁

     In the nearly two months since I've posted, a lot, and somehow also little, has changed. Several of you have inquired about me, and I thank you all for being more informed and caring about me than most of my off-Hive friends and family. Before my unplanned hiatus, my posting frequency and engagement were already at all-time lows, so I guess was headed in this direction long before I realized it.


     Before I stopped posting, Chairwoman Meow was a little kitty that I was helping learn how to hunt for food because we are a vegan household void of catfood, fish heads, and all the other things a Cambodian should gravitate to. She's now the apex predator of our property, and needs little guidance in catching butterflies, crickets, lizards, geckos, mice and all other other unknown stuff finds on the walls, floors, ad grass outside our house.

🤔Tough Choices

     A former Khmer language student of mine has been living with us on and off for around a half a year, a wealthy man who we helped to negotiate and buy property next to ours for nearly half-price. After he agreed to a price for his land, we talked the seller down another $6,000 USD and informed him of this, letting him know we are poor working people, not businessfolk, and we wouldn't be taking a commission from either the seller nor him.


     In the end we were given a $300+ USD tip for our time, when it would've been legal and considered smart business practice to middle-man the transaction and take $6,000 USD profit for our own pocket. After this we realized he didn't value us, and he sealed the deal by offering us $250 per month for our cabin, something people pay $60 a night for because it's one of the top 10 views in all of Cambodia.

🐌 Snail Love 💞

     In addition to this he's been giving us $100 USD per month for food, not even enough to cover the costs. Since he entered our lives I went making $400 to $800 USD per month from my blog plus ASEAN Hive's $300 USD (ASEAN Hive earnings have been reinvested in the community so far) per month, roughly $1,000 USD per month, to a mere $350 per month.


     I had to give up my blog in order to basically be a private chef, translator, and helper for this guy, taking a 50% monthly downgrade in pay just because I have always been too nice to let rich people they've always undervalued me my whole entire life. I tried to encourage him to move to his land as quickly as possible after he purchased, he said wanted to take things nice and slow and live in our cabin much longer, fully taking advantage of my kindness.

🕵️‍♀️ The ChairWoman Investigates 🔎

     I tried to find someone in our village to prepare two meals a day for him $100 a month, but even the locals saw no way to earn a profit by even making the simplest and cheapest of Khmer foods, let alone the Indian curries, rotis, parathas, and other things I was making that would often be in excess of $10 USD in the capital Phnom Penh, where he used to live, and where Indian food is cheap because ingredients are cheap and easily found within the city.


     I recently and subtly kicked him off of our property by letting him know my Cambodian in-laws would soon return to start construction and need a place to sleep while working for several months. We offered to buy our renter another cabin and move him into it to free up space, but then reminded him he also had enough money to just buy one himself and stop renting from us. He eventually had a hut built for him in the village, but after wanting to keep eating for $100 USD per month, I basically cussed him out and let him know he overly abused our kindness for far too long.

     I guess in addition to this I have been more or less taking on the role of a typical housewife while my oldest daughter and wife's blogs remained a bigger priority for them. Hive was/is my only source of income, so in many ways I have felt pushed out of my own job and forced to take on other roles. It still isn't clear whether or not I will be able to commit enough time and energy to Hive to provide for my family, but soon we start construction, so I hope my family can become more cohesive because I'm scared of going broke on an unfinished house.


Monkey B

It's good to see you back, and I have missed your blogs and the updates. Sorry to hear that things have been a bit rocky. You're in our thoughts, for what that's worth, and we're sending positive energy your way! 💛

Yeah, a lack of time certainly played a role, but also just too many bad vibes going on in life. I have no problems sharing the not so great moments of my life with my Hive friends, but lately it's all felt negative, and I just didn't want to bring pure negativity into my blog posts despite it basically being a form of therapy for me.

Thanks for looking out for me, it means a lot.


That's what most people get for being so kind. Glad you found the courage to kick him off. I hope you'll be able to keep up posting.

I thought at first you were just unmotivated just like me but it was a whole bunch is issue

Yes, I hope this is my re-entry to blogging and engaging more once again. I guess in some sense I was unmotivated, a bit lacking energy and time because of all the work for our renter. Well, being so undervalued by someone who claims to respect us and be our friend hurt me quite a bit, and that certainly has not left me in good spirits the last few months, so much arguing and bad vibes.

Thanks for reminding how much my ASEAN Hivers care about one another 🙌.

time to move in and i guess you wont be accepting renters again

When/if we do rent the cabin again, it will likely just be overnight guests, and we are much happier for this because it usually means $40 to $60 USD.

Yay! 🤗
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There are moments when we are exhausted and lethargic, but this is only temporary. We simply need to relax our minds and bodies before getting back on our feet. It's great to have you back on Hive and blogging again.

By the way, there are occasions when individuals are taking advantage if our kindness because they regard us as too nice and believe they can easily manipulate us. It's only fair that you get rid of him.

Take care. I am appreciative for your unwavering support for the community. God bless you and your family.💖🕊️

Yes, I hope it was all just a minor setback. I always remind my kids not to mistake kindness for weakness as so many people around the world do. An old expression we say where I'm from in the USA is "kill them with kindness," and it's basically used to remind us to keep good manners even when someone is taking advantage of us.

It was nice to give this so-called friend the freedom to take advantage of our generosity, now we know who really is and we're happier to have him on the other side of our fence. Thanks for thinking of me my friend.

Let's say it's a lesson learned.

Even if we kill them with kindness, opportunist does not have a heart. I have learned that when words fail us, when we experience so much more than is possible to comprehend when an instantaneous act of kindness strikes us... At that point, words cannot possibly match the level of emotional intelligence we possess. God bless you more. 💖🕊️


Take care. Catch you around. God speed.

Wow... if that's how he repays kindness I'd hate to see what he does to people he doesn't like!

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Haha, I never thought about that, let's hope we never see such actions I guess 😆

If he's living in the same area, unfortunately there's little chance you won't see it, but hopefully not towards anyone you're friends with!


You must be killin' it out here!
@wrestlingdesires just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @justinparke.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@justinparke! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ wrestlingdesires. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(1/15) tipped @justinparke

What a horrible "ex-student friend" you have. The next time you decide to help someone, make sure you spell the price tag first, legal or not. If not legal, ask him to buy some hive and have them transfer it to you to legalize it. The repeated paragraph did bring the magnitude of this ranting chapter to another level. I had a reading dejavu for a while, but still decided to relive that crazy movie clip in my imagination of an annoying person paying peanut to stay in your property.

I agree, my Khmer language students have 99% of the time resulted in good friendships, mostly because I think foreigners living here that study Khmer are trying to integrate/adapt to the local customs and culture. People like this are generally understanding, compassionate, very flexible, self-aware, but that is obviously not always the case.

Geez, I saw the repeated paragraph, not exactly a good way to re-enter the world of blogging, now properly edited . Well what can I say, I was simply trying so hard just to get this post out that I didn't want to edit for fear of regretting my words and perhaps deciding not to post this. I am glad this is all behind us now, or rather next door in this instance, but next door is better than in our lives. He has yet to apologize or offer a tip in a show of respect for the 22+ years of culinary experience I have been preparing his meals with. He now has to ride daily 30 minutes one-way to eat a $3.75 USD fried rice made by a teenager that is literally pork and rice fried in oil with no veggies or seasonings of any kind.

I miss you sir. Is been a while. Lot things has changed during covid and after nowadays.

Thank you, I have enjoyed seeing you and Herry on your various trips, thanks for taking the time to keep us updated with your life. I will try to do better and keep posting because I enjoy reading as much as I do sharing my life with you all and getting feedback.

We miss you sir. We all too. Thank you for spending your time reading about our sharing too. Dont mentioned sir. If somethings hits or you're tired do rest yourself up, but dont give up.


You are truly a great man. I will always support every blog you write.

Thank you, I have been away far too long. It's good to be blogging and expressing myself again.

Presented some very beautiful pictures. Which seems really incomparable. But cats have a lot of experiences that we see in different homes and sometimes they have to cooperate with the experiences that you do. I have loved cats since childhood. Although now I don't keep cats. But it is true that the experience of cats is immense. He is a master at catching rats. But the soft body of the cat makes it a pleasure to caress. It's really wonderful that your family and your daughter can all take care of cats and let her experience it. Caring for animals is very good. I always pray for you and your family. Thank you so much for taking care of the animals as well as living a healthy and beautiful life. Also your effort to experience the cat is immense. I always hope you find an excellent thread on this platform. And your stumbling is an accident. Regardless of this accident, the steps you and your family have taken are truly remarkable. I pray you will be the most experienced and knowledgeable person on this platform. Which gives an opportunity to play a role in the welfare of mankind. Best wishes and love to you and your family on this platform.

Thank you for your concerns, things are getting better now that our renter has left. We all love our kitty, and it's nice that she has a special bond with each of us, always looking out for us by keeping the snakes and rats away. I grew up on a farm in the USA, so it's nice to have an animal in our lives.

Sir you are right that a pet is also but a member of our family. Your kindness and love for an animal is truly wonderful. Which eliminates the lonely times of life. I wish you the best always. I am inspired by your every word.