Hello friends, meet me again today,After we enjoy the holiday, and we start with this Monday morning afternoon a bright day enjoying the balance of life Every day .
Today I want to participate again which is held by the Aseanhive community,With the theme of the Aseah Hive Challenge,Drawing something that we can, sounds really exciting, doesn't it?
I am also tempted to participate in this challenge, I will draw something easy for me to share as a partition.
Today's picture I want to make a cute and funny bee, bees are animals that have extraordinary benefits, bees can produce honey which is good for the body and has many benefits.
Some steps in the process of sketching a bee :
First I drew 2 A little round shape, as you can see, one for the head and one for the body.
Then add the bee's wings, the picture almost looks like a bee, but the process is still far away.
Next I made the bee's head and eyes as well as its legs, then I added a few large lines to the bee's body.
The bee is done, I just need to make it rough and smooth and I use a black pencil so the lines are clearly visible.The picture is perfect.
That's the result of my bee sketch as part of today's contest, I hope all my friends like it.
I have tried hard to draw this, hopefully it will be a good and nice picture for you to see, I hope you enjoy my work today š