Hello beloved friends, greetings to all of us who are here and hopefully we are always in good and healthy condition. This opportunity I want to show some pictures of very beautiful courtyard views on the beach. Many people visited the beach that afternoon and some of them played on the beach sand and some played in the water on the beach. The location where I took this picture is in a sub-district in Aceh Besar District, as we all know Aceh Besar is one of the districts that is close to the provincial capital of Aceh and there are lots of natural scenery, be it beaches or mountains.
My feeling of being on this beach is of course I really like what is on the beach because I enjoy the atmosphere that afternoon with great pleasure because I can feel the pleasure of the air that is still very fresh. The location is so far from the center of the capital, of course. Here it is free from pollution and we can also say that it is very environmentally friendly here. Close to this beach there are also some fishermen's boots that are on the beach sand. And for me the location of the beach is also quite strategic because it has wide sand beaches and anyone who visits here can play there. The people who visit this beach are of course local people or people who live close to here. This is not a well-known tourist spot, but only a local tourist spot that is visited by local communities.
Thank you very much all of my friends who have given me the opportunity today and I am happy to be able to display beautiful beach images today. Hopefully with the beauty of this beach can make all friends entertained and of course friends who live in Aceh maybe you can visit here later and we can enjoy the beauty of this beach together.