Week 18 Challenge - "What's Your Favorite Movie ?" By @radhees

in #hive-1413592 years ago



Hello all friends in the ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY, this is my first time participating in the Challenge held by the ASEAN HIVE Community, and I am very happy to be able to participate in this edition of the challenge.

Challenge Edition 18 this time, the ASEAN HIVE Community raised the theme of the Challenge about "What's Your Favorite Movie?". And this time I want to review one of my favorite films entitled THE TEACHER DIARY which was released in 2014 and the film comes from Thailand.

Hopefully the storyline review of this film can be understood easily by everyone and can entertain friends who read my article review in this 18th edition challenge.

Let's get started...

The initial story of this film tells of 2 teachers who teach in a remote area which requires them to survive to teach at the floating house school.

The film begins with a boy named SONG he is a former wrestler who goes to school to register himself as a teacher. It's very strange for a wrestler to become a teacher😂.

However, the school did not have a vacancy for a new teacher but the boy forced the principal to accept him to teach.

Finally the principal replied I will send you to our floating home school. whose buildings look impossible to survive teaching students and have to travel to school using a boat.

With the opportunity to work, this guy finally took a job teaching children at the floating house school.

Before we go further, I will tell you a little that the story of this film is a little back and forth with 2 teachers teaching the same school at different times.

Before SONG went to this floating house school, there was already a woman named AAN. He was transferred to this floating house school for not setting a good example for his students due to having a 3 star tattoo on his right wrist. According to Si AAN, the principal of this school is too much, because there are more important issues than the tattoo.

But he refused to be transferred to another school and he could continue to teach here, but with one condition that his tattoo had to be removed, AAN refused, finally he was transferred to the floating house school.

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Then the story of these 2 teachers will be told simultaneously with the story of the female teacher AAN, and the male teacher SONG because they were at different times, where AAN was about 2 years ago and SONG is now.

The journey of 2 teachers was very difficult and funny. They have to ride a train and then continue to have to take a boat before they can reach the floating house school.

The difference is that AAN went to take a boat with a friend named GIGI, while SONG went to school alone. When we arrived at the school, the floating house of the school was very quiet, there were no children or people there.

In order for the children in the village to go to school again the teacher had to take a boat to tell every house that the teacher at the floating house school had another teacher.

Before the children enter the SONG school, they must first practice how to teach 😂. While practicing teaching SONG came across a diary that had AAN in it.

In the diary, AAN tells the story of coming to this floating house school. In his diary, AAN wrote ""the teachers are afraid to be transferred to this school because the place is very quiet.

The first day of teaching arrived, SONG usually fell asleep on the chair while sitting until he fell to the floor 😂 Because there weren't any students inside. I can't help but think that SONG went to every house to pick up the students one by one 😂.

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With the struggle of SONG house to house. SONG also got 4 remaining students, because previously there were already graduates when the AAN teacher taught. While at the time of teaching AAN still had 7 students.

AAN's experience with his friend DENTAL on the first night at the floating house school was very difficult, electricity was limited, clean water was clogged, the internet network was not all that difficult. When the water was clogged, his friend AAN the GIGI put his hand into the faucet. Apparently in the faucet there was a dead lizard that had been spun around with his index finger😂.... Can you imagine how it tasted .

Likewise, what is experienced by SONG is that he has problems with electricity, clogged water and network difficulties and teaches students whose abilities are minimal at their age. Especially taking care of the kids alone. SONG teacher is really sad .

in AAN's diary tells how where he first taught and SONG followed what was written in AAN's book. but what he practiced was funny, not in accordance with AAN's directions.😂

not long ago teaching SONG and AAN both had an accident, SONG's hand was injured until it was bruised and had to be bandaged with a bandage. Meanwhile, when AAN was exposed to skin allergies because of bathing in the lake.

And AAN was taken by his girlfriend to the hospital and while being angry that his girlfriend objected to teaching at that school, because the place was very remote and difficult to reach.
Together they broke up. Just like the SONG but the song is very sad again when he sees his girl being ridden by another guy and the motorbike he is using belongs to SONG 😂 it doesn't bleed. And they broke up too.

With his anger, SONG took his motorbike to the floating house school even though it couldn't be used anywhere .

In his diary AAN he saw that the same day they both broke up. Because he was in a bad mood, AAN jumped into the water. Meanwhile, SONG took his motorbike all the way to Cemplung to the lake while shouting the school was confused.... .

One day when Aan's friend was squatting in the toilet, he suddenly saw that there was a corpse floating on the water below. To his surprise, AAn GIGI's friend packed his things to go home. GIGI gave up teaching here but AAN is different from his friends he doesn't want to go home, he continues to teach at this floating home school. Finally, AAN himself survives in this floating house school.

When SONG practiced his teaching method, Song's students still found it difficult to understand. When he was talking to his students suddenly a snake entered the classroom. in order to protect his students SONG also ventured to kill the snake. As soon as the snake died, the students and SONG screamed happily because the caterpillar was dead. when the laughter was smoldering, it seemed that SONG's hand was bleeding a little. SONG started to panic so quickly he thought that his wound had been bitten by a snake. Apparently when the student saw his hand hit the nail in the wood that was used to hit the snake earlier😂.

Day by day SONG's students began to get to know each other. And SONG started to like AAN through his diary... It's weird to love in a book.. With so much love for AAN SONG dreams of meeting AAN. But in SONG AAN's dream his face was not visible because he was wearing a mask, SONG was surprised when he saw him and woke up from his dream.

Because the SONG began to feel feelings for AAN. SONG went to school to ask the principal where AAN is now, the principal answered. AAN will soon get married and she is currently teaching at a school with her husband.

Upon hearing the news from the principal, SONG was so weak and no longer excited. The next day SONG looked for AAN to his school to teach.
As soon as he arrived at AAN's school, SONG saw a woman who was taking care of the students playing. But song does not know that what he saw was AAN. Song couldn't believe that it was AAN because on the woman's hand there was no 3-star tattoo from that SONG couldn't believe that it wasn't AAN.

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When ANN was about to get married, suddenly something unexpected happened. While AAN was teaching, a woman who was pregnant came and confessed that she was his fiancé's affair.. and apparently that was true. AAN really felt very sick at that time. And from there, AAN broke up with his fiancée until he didn't get married.

So annoyed he was with his ex-fiancé, AAN returned to the floating house school principal where he wanted to apply again at the school and teach like before. The principal also allowed it again because AAN was a smart woman.

When ANN arrived at the floating house school, the students were very happy and excited. Seeing AAN teacher back again
When AAn returned to the floating house school, AAN saw that this floating house school was better than before. A student at the school also told AAN that this school was repaired by SONG after being hit by a big bandai. There AAN was curious about Song How is the person🤔🤔.

When AAN was teaching, AAn found his old diary which was almost damaged and burned down because of the SONG. But in his book there is a little story about SONG which tells that SONG's heart was very hurt at that time. Because he lost his best friend at the same time. The friend that SONG means is AAN. the story is starting to feel sad.

It looks like SONG at this time is very sad and heartbroken after hearing the news that AAN will soon get married..
Thanks to his diary, AAN SONG succeeded in bringing students to pass to take the final semester exams except for only one student who did not pass, namely CONG. Si CONG said this semester he could answer the questions but he ran out of time. it's so sad .

By feeling guilty to the CONG can not pass the test. SONG resigned from the floating house school, feeling he was not fit to be a teacher. The school principal couldn't say anything and agreed with the result of SONG's decision.
Even though SONG resigned, SONG was still worried about his school. But the principal told him SONG **no need to worry anymore because AAN will be back teaching there.

Hearing the news from the principal, Aan was cheerful again like fireworks 😂. After Aan read SONG's story, ANN went back to school to ask SONG to talk about the students who were in the floating house school. but it's a shame the principal didn't know about SONG after he resigned. But don't be discouraged, friends.. the principal gave AAN a little hint, which was a photo of SONG struggling, which was used when Song first signed up to teach.

Arriving at his place, SONG AAN did not meet SONG, he only met his ex-girlfriend. AAN apologized and immediately returned to the floating house school.

The next day when AAN was shopping at the market, a resident came to tell her that SONG wrote a letter to the students at the floating school. In his letter, SONG will come during school holidays.

Hearing the news, the students were cleaning up their school in order to welcome SONG to arrive during the school holidays. While AAN was cleaning his school, his ex-fiancé came who wanted to meet AAN who wanted to improve their relationship. AAN also went outside for a while with his ex. However, their relationship could not be continued and AAN returned to the floating house school.

When AAN returns to school the house floats at night. When we got there, the school didn't have any lights and no one saw how quiet the atmosphere was. AAN didn't even go inside and immediately turned the boat around.

As soon as AAN turned his boat, suddenly the lights in the floating house school turned on by itself. AAN went into the school and saw SONG was turning on the light And they were finally able to meet and greet each other. ️

I really like this film, first of all, this film is funny and funny and good to watch and the story of THE TEACHER DIARY is very romantic that you can watch with your partner. For those of you who haven't watched it, it's a shame because this film can create jokes and laughter.😊

That's all from my Favorite Film review on the 18th Challenge Edition in the ASEAN HIVE Community this time. Hopefully my post will be selected as one of the winners' posts in this 18th Challenge Edition.



Good work, my friend, so that it produces a fairly long article.

The plot sounds interesting, and as a teacher myself, that also makes this movie a potential interesting watch for me. Thanks for taking part in the challenge.

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