We had two orders of Php299 (USD 5.09): chicken wings, Java rice, and fries. We tried all of the flavors. I was a bit sad because their fries are just plain and have no flavor available (good thing there is ketchup), unlike in other Unli Wings + Fries restaurants. Anyhow, we were full and had fun eating when we saw the bones piling up. Lol.
The overall experience was satisfactory. I was having, like, a food coma after. Haha!
First served was the iced tea drink, which we ordered as bottomless too, then their java rice. It smelled good.
I chose the flavors Nuclear, New Yorker, and Butter Garlic Parmesan first. Nom!
Time to dig in!
We did a few refills of the iced tea, the chicken wings (tasted every flavor), and the rice. We haven't taken pictures of the aftermath because, as I said, I was in a food coma. haha! Anyway, here's the bill (but I didn't forget to take a picture of it, lol!).
Total amount was Php696 (USD 11.82).
So this was me after eating all those chicken wings, still eating fries because it was served late, and we were already so full.
Yeah, yeah, I know, I gained weight all this year. Just eating and food trippin always. And yeah, gonna start exercising, i guess? HAHA!
Thank you for reading up until now. Don't forget to upvote! Until my next blog, stay golden!
Spontaneoussober is an innate traveler, wanderer, adventurer, and free-spirited. She values independence and does what she wants when she wants. A lively and passionate woman who enjoys connecting with and empathizing with those around her..
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