I want to give a little updates on the kitties and also on another crash near the police station. I will tell you about my nickname back in 7th grade.
A little update on the kitties now they all know how to walk properly. One of them even know how to kinda run and 2 of them know how to get out of the box, so my dad made a little door for them. They are still trying to learn how to use the mini door. Also my dad have a name for one of the white one and it is Mantacore but I call it ugly dumpling. I call the other white ones Little Devil, and the black one Charcoal.
This animal right here is my 7th grade nickname that I got from a friend luckily it didn't stick. I mean here in Cambodia some people eat it and I might also be allergic to it. I saw this cricket yesterday I think because my sister had it in a bottle, but this one is big maybe the size of my fingers. So it was really big and it looks really scary. I feel bad if I leave it in the bottle so I let it out.
Well we found out that Ms. Meow had like a cut on her paw, well that day my parents went to Pramaoy. Ms. Meow was here and she had a cut but she didn't come to me and wait till my dad came back and go to him. My dad didn't notice anything wrong but then I was rubbing her and that is when I saw the cut and told my dad about it. My dad put a bandage on it so it that it would get worse.
On Sunday morning there is another motorbike crash with a car near my friend's house and is also near the police station. This time the driver of the car actually take responsibility and took the guy to the hospital. The weird thing about all these crashes is that they always happen in the last 6 months of the year. Also my sister just got 2.5 dollars, 4 books, 2 pen, and 1 pencil from some rich person who give out stuff to her school. No rich people give out stuff when I was still at my sister's school but after I left for middle school that is when cool thing happened.