I take my free time to make natural flower pots and prepare plants to decorate my little cabin. I went to the forest at the waterfall to find some plants and remove them to plant at our house.
In the forest there are plants that grow on living trees, and some grow on dead trees. These plants are sent to the living tree, and there are different kinds of plants that grow on this tree. I can remove some plants from this tree but not all of them because some of them grow too tall.
This plant growing on a dead tree and I’m very interested it. I found it from a few different trees and picked them all.
This plant likes to grow on rotten wood, and I also see it growing near rocks.
I like this plants also, it’s a bit rare and I have never seen it anywhere else. It can be that I just got to know it in this forest. They are growing on dead bamboo.
I saw a lot of these kind of wild flowers in this forest.
I took this wildflower from the rocks and I will plant it on the rocks too.
The plants I picked from in the trees I planted in pots, and the plants I removed from the rocks at the waterfall I planted on the rocks. I pick up the smooth stones and prepare the grass that I removed from near the waterfall.
I prepared it with a smile and I really like it so much.
I planted them on two rocks and I planted them a week ago and they are still beautiful and have flowers.
In this pot I grow different plants together.
These plants I grow on the rocks too but some plants I picked from the trees, I just tried them and they are still living and good right now.
I am glad to see them growing very well in new place. Thanks a lot for your visiting my blog. Have a nice day.