Yo! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Christmas season is here.. but wait! I know everyone is looking forward to Christmas and New Year's Day but your girl here can't look forward without looking backward. In short, there are lots of things I want to write about before this year ends. I just wish I could do this in between doing household chores, room renovation, making art and preparing for the holidays. Whoa! It feels so good writing all these things I wanted to do. I wonder which among these will I be able to accomplish until 2022. It's almost halfway of the month. I'm scared.
I've been seeing photo and video dumps recently so maybe it's alright to call mine... blog dumps? Heh. :D
5 AND 1
Does this triggered your urge to drink coffee? Lol. Sorry, but this is not about that. Although speaking about coffee, I don't drink coffee everyday but I became a coffee drinker for three months because of mama's wake. Now I'm almost on my third month without coffee.
☆ First is 5...
🎂5 Years on Hive🎂
Straykat turned 5 last November 21 (thanks HiveBuzz for greeting us on our birthdays) and it amazes me how I'm still perplexed by most things here in the Hive universe. Don't be like me. Lolz. I've been telling before that I wanted to explore Hive, the things beyond blogging. But, ahhh! I still haven't done it until now.
I'm glad Hive is staying strong despite the bear market. And we all know it's the best time to accumulate Hive. Red is green. (I don't know if that makes sense, it just popped up in my head.) I have a positive outlook with Hive. It did not only help me gain crypto but it has also helped me mentally through writing. This has been mentioned a few times on my old posts and I will not get tired speaking of it again and again. Hive has become a medium to deflate the thoughts and ideas in my head. Thanks, Hive!
I'm also glad a couple of friends have become active and is enjoying their stay here. I won't be surprised when one day Hive will reach a mainstream status though I'm afraid my relatives would find my profile. 🤣
☆ Second is 1
👣One Step At A Time🧘🏻♀️
Can you see the rainbow? 🙂
I feel like my mind is going through a bad glitch right now. I find it difficult to compose a post, communicate with people, doing the daily things, etc.. while still grieving. Disappointment comes in at the end of the day everytime I fail to accomplish the things on my list for the day. It's making me sad and tired which prolongs things to get done even more. The more that something takes longer to get done, the more I get disappointed. It's like a domino effect. Ugh!
Then realization hit me that no one will be there to motivate and push me to do things, so I tried to practice being kinder to myself by forgiving myself for not fulfilling everything on my list according to the schedule I have intended.
"One step at a time", I told myself.
I realized it's okay to be slow as long as you stay consistent. Everyday, I make sure I do at least one task and the time will come when everything on my list will be crossed out. Small steps, big changes.
However, telling this to myself isn't like a magic spell. It's not instant. I still let myself down every now and then but I know I'm improving. Slowly I'll get around with the things I'm not used to today. Again, small steps!
I hope to get better one day and I know it's possible. This is also a reminder for everyone to live at your own pace. What matters most is we don't give up. :)
Happy Five Hive Years to me and everyone who's also currently on their fifth year!🎂