My daily life as practical student - Photo of my regular evening back home -

in #hive-141359last month

It's been a while since I posted anything in this community. Not because I didn't want to, but I currently don't have the luxury of time to write like before when I was studying. After being a student for a couple of months, I was currently undergoing practical hours for another 6 months before graduating from the school.

My day usually starts at 4:30 am, when I wake up and get ready to catch my train to my workplace. From the house, I have to walk about 20 minutes to the station because the earlier buses only come at 5:50 am, and if I wait for it, I will surely be late to reach my workplace because it takes about 1 hour to travel by train with changing 4 MRT stations. Oops, I forgot to mention that I start at 6:30 am, and that's why I need to reach there early.

I work as kitchen helper and to be honest that working as kitchen helper is not easy as you think. This make me think and keep remaining myself to be good at any restaurant when ever i dine-in at any restaurant. As my workplace dont have enough worker , i have to work triple hard and to be honest i dont get any rest during my work time. The only way to gain energy at that time was to eat small amount of food and drink a lot of water to make myself full. Lucky my manager is good , not like our stinky boss who dont want to spend penny to get another helper.

I finish my work around 4.30 pm , but usually i really finish an hour later for the cleaning and stocking the item at store. I try to finish early because i know i ll not be paid for extra hour or if i being paid , the wages is underpaid because i was only the practical student.


I went home using bus , it reach directly home without me change any station. You would ask me why i didnt use bus in the morning? It was because the bus to that place start at 6 am which i already late for work if i use it. I really want to use it because it was much nearer from my home compare to train station , and i can rest for the whole journey.

Today i want to share some photo of one of i guess old block along my way home after work. This is not where i stay but its look interesting because of those building architecture show the old vibes of Singaporean building.


Compare to my house building , this building was actually look haunted because of its old vibes. Oppsss.. But , it look much solid because i believe that the old building use quality product which was i think over qualification than the standard . I didnt say that current building is not good or solid but most of the current building has being build just pass the rules and requirement because the technology is better for material control to save more money for the developer.


You can see the building from in horizontal mode :



Look how they made the wall using tiles .


Even the bicycle looked old .


The would be 2 more station bus to reach my home from this area which will take another 15 minutes easy walks. Upon reach home , i ll take showers and usually end up for evening sleep to recover my fatique. If i woke up , i ll try to catch up to write something fast and simple in hive. But , compare to previous time , i have skip a lot of day because i usually end up sleeping until midnight which make me lazy to do any journal in hive.

Anyways , i think thats all for today . I try to catch up my journey again here since i think i should to make my journal so i can read this for myself in future.

Thanks for stopping by , i hope you enjoy it and see you in another time.

Remarks : Photo was taken using Huawei P20 Pro and edited in phones apps.


@tommyl33, I'm refunding 0.074 HIVE and 0.022 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.

It's really a long way for go to your place , I have no car and it's so hard find a job when you have few bus or train , so I understand you

Yes , it was true . By the way , having car here is much expensive because they need car cert which sometimes expensive than buying car . Thats why many people prefer using train or bus to move around.

Here Cars are quite expensive too. 😭 But people are force to have one because bus or trains are often late or there is no service in many areas.