And they wondered: What's wrong with these people?

in #hive-1418273 years ago


I heard this story once and since then it has a special place in my heart.
A group of anthropologists visited a tribe in South America (honestly, it could be anywhere in the world) and tried to record their life as they usually do. We are several decades back, unfortunately I can't remember exactly when. The anthropologists were very kind and the indigenous people were very welcoming and open to share everything. When the anthropologists asked them "How did you learn all these amazing things about herbs and plants and their healing powers?", the indigenous people tried to understand what the anthropologists wanted to know. They were hosting these guys in their village already a few days, they knew they could listen to their voices and reply to their questions. "The plants told us" they said feeling confused and they added "Can't you listen to the plants?" I guess they wondered "What's wrong with these people? Is this possible?"
I heard this story from Asia Suler, a gifted herbalist.

And it is true, we have disconnected from Nature and our nature. The thing is that by learning new stuff and creating a high speed society we forgot the basis of our own existence, that we are part of the life in this tiny spot in the Universe, nothing more and nothing less. Indigenous people haven't forgotten this and still honor our connection with the plants and all beings.


Plants are here to share their wisdom, they have been here long before we do and they are our oldest allies, always supporting us. Would we still be here if it wasn't for the plants to feed us, dress us, heal us and comfort us?

I guess herbalism is a way back to the roots. The roots of humankind poetically, but basically also back to the roots of who each one of us really is.

Herbalism is a journey inwards. You need to be honest to yourself in order to understand what you need and get back in balance. You need to study, yes, but you also need to learn how to accept all your parts, how to trust your intuition and be open to all this wisdom out there with open heart and open mind.


Do we need to say that herbs have powerful medicinal properties? It is already proven and they are widely used in medicine. Herbalism is so much more than that.

We don't need just physical healing but healing on many levels. And this is a never ending process.

The human body is not separate from the heart and mind, feelings and thoughts. It is not just several autonomous systems, but a whole complex multidimensional system. There is no battle between medicine and herbalism, there is no need as they both are here to serve us. Each one of us is different and unique and we can welcome the benefits of herbalism in so many different ways. We don't have to be herbalists out in the forest with a basket looking for herbs (which is amazing!). Plants are all around. We just have to slow down for a while and connect with them in our own way. Even by taking 15' to think about how we feel today, what do we need, prepare a herbal tea and just be there for ourselves even just for a moment.


Herbalism is a way of living, a way of thinking, a way of dealing with the world and a way of honoring our true existence. Am I exaggerating? Maybe! But it is only because herbalism and natural medicine is my way to feel good in this weird complicated world.

This post is my response to the question of The Herbal Hive community, one of the coziest corners in this virtual world:

We'd love to hear your thoughts about this quote:

Herbal medicine's been around for thousands of years!" Indeed it has, and then we tested it all, and the stuff that worked became 'medicine'. And the rest of it is just a nice bowl of soup and some potpourri. — Dara O Briain

Is this how YOU feel about the world of herbalism? Is it simply rosemary on potatoes or some nice smelling dried plants in a bowl? Or is it much more than that?


If you would like to know more about me this is my introduction post!


Such a wonderful response and one that resonates with me deeply. Herbalism is definitely a way of living, it is the connection we have to the earth xxxx

Thank you for your always beautiful input @trucklife-family! Plants have always been our precious allies, our connection as you say to the earth!

So I had accidentally deleted my original comment🤦‍♀. I'm still getting familiar with PEAKD, whoops! lol.

So I will just try again :)

I am beginning my journey of healing with plants and herbs and so far I am loving it. It's unfortunate that the practice of using herbs and plants to heal has been so far removed from many societies, but what does make me smile is just how many people I have come across over the past few months who are so helpful and willing to spread their knowledge and get this information out into the public so it isn't lost forever.

I first became aware of the power of natural medicines when I battled brain cancer at the age of 25. I had had my first tumor at the age of 22 and it was removed successfully. 3 years later, on a routine MRI visit, they had found that it had come back and grew. I needed another surgery along with 6 weeks of radiation and a chemo pill every day during the summer of 2015. Come September I began a chemo pill regiment, 5 days taking it, 28 days off, with a few times of increasing the strength of the chemo.
Now I was prescribed pain & anti-nausea meds along with stool softeners. Well, the anti-nausea medicine did absolutely nothing to help ease any of the nausea, and the stool softeners, same story. I had asked my doctor if he knew of any vitamins or natural remedies that would help me and the answer was no so I took control of my own healing.
I came across a tea made my Traditional Medicinals called Smooth Move. One cup of this at night before bed and I was able to clear any constipation I had. Along with this I started to drink prune juice throughout the days which also helped ease any discomfort I had.
As for the nausea, inability to sleep and eat, and other discomforts while undergoing chemotherapy I had turned to good ol' marijuana and let me tell you it helped me more then any pill I could have ever been prescribed.
When I told my doctor that I had found these treatments he told me that I should do whatever works for me which with that answer I was happy with.

A few years later I received "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine" by Nicole Apelian, Ph.D & Claude Davis. With this book I am becoming so interested in all things plant healing. My husband had a kidney issue and I had made him some Goldenrod Tea (which I read about in the book and Goldenrod grows everywhere up here) and within a few days he was feeling much better! I find enjoyment in growing an herb garden, cooking with them, and learning how to make tinctures for myself and my family.

Lost Book of Herbal Remedies.jpg

I am so grateful I found this community on here and cannot wait to continue on my healing journey with you all! :)
Thank you for this post, the power of plants are just incredible and as long as we keep practicing this practice of medicine will never be lost in the wind.

I can't describe how much honored I feel that you shared your story here.

so I took control of my own healing.

What a brave desicion! It needs a lot of strength and you obviously have more than enough :) I loved reading your powerful story and the calm way with which you describe an unbelievable adventure. I am so happy you found the herbal remedies that work for you (and your husband), I believe it was your intuition and your open heart that led you to this path and it is always so exciting to listen to inspirational stories like yours!
I wish doctors were more aware of alternatives other than prescripted drugs, luckily your doctor was supportive.

This is a beautiful community, a cosy corner with people that love sharing their wisdom. It is amazing what we can learn from each other.

@theherbalhive aka @riverflows is an excellent host :)

I would also like to share some posts I found very useful here when I first started a few months ago and hopefully can be helpful to you as well.
First of all, this post by wonderful @sjarvie5, as well as this one.

I read your posts and they are so interesting, deep and heartfelt. As far as I know, accompanying your posts with nice photos is a great plus. If you don't have photos, maybe using an image bank, but always refer to the source. Communities are also great. Apart from The HerbalHive, you can check on HiveGarden, Abundance Tribe, ecoTrain or the relaxing Wednesday Walk, maybe Ladies of Hive and I guess there are more that I haven't discovered yet. It is a great way to connect easier with people with common interests.

I will be really glad to help with any questions!
Truly happy to meet you here!

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Thank you so much! Much appreciated :)

Wow, this beautifully written and thought provoking, the story you tell is sad in a way for so many struggles we go through have birth in this disconnection. Thanks for sharing this

Thank you so much @rukeros! Glad you found it interesting. As for the story, when I heard it, it hit me. What have we become? It is one thing studying and wanting to do and it is another thing feeling and really being part of it. As with all things actually. Hopefully we will become more and more connected and we will remind it to each other :)

Disconnected from nature? We are guilty as charged. The way the world is moving fast these days has made us turn out backs on nature thinking it has nothing to do with us.

What we haven't stopped to consider is how much of nature is everything we are and have. The clothes, shoes, food, etc are all products of nature

Judging from your story we shouldn't stay disconnected from nature. We ought to embrace it as it is a part of us. Always.

Thanks for reminding us and getting us back on the right track with our natural selves.

Thank you for the great feedback @iskafan!
It is hard to stay on track, and that's the weirdest thing of all, since as you say nature is all we are. It is always nice reminding this to each other, it has inspired me so many times :)

I am glad nature inspires you at all times. I wouldn't be wrong if I say you have been chosen.... Hehehe 😃

Well @iskafan, I am certainly guilty as well, haha!!! Once in a while we all forget the basics! But I am lucky to live close to nature and she reminds me of all these quite often :)

Well, you just keep sharing your nature experience with us. We'll really appreciate the gesture 🙌🥺❤️

Thanks @iskafan!

I guess herbalism is a way back to the roots. The roots of humankind poetically, but basically also back to the roots of who each one of us really is. Herbalism is a journey inwards. You need to be honest to yourself in order to understand what you need and get back in balance. You need to study, yes, but you also need to learn how to accept all your parts, how to trust your intuition and be open to all this wisdom out there with open heart and open mind.

Lol - I could copy your own post and quote it here to say what I loved about this - all ofit! It's the post I wanted to write but couldn't find the words for, because I had far, far too much to say. I'll post mine tomorrow which went off on a slightly different tangent, then realised I missed half the stuff I wanted to say, and then you said it so I should probably just quote you instead!

Love Asia Suler. Love you.

I think leaning in and listening to plants wasn't something I realised properly until I started studying herbalism in earnest, especially following some of those great american herbalists I've learnt so much from. This intuitive connection and spiritual experience of plants was a whole world opened up - something I'd felt im my heart but didn't realise waas a whole THING.

Loved this response so much!

Thank you so much @riverflows for your amazing, uplifting comment!

I experienced this whole world opening exactly the way you describe it. It was life changing and how could it not be? It is a whole philosophy, a way of being in this world.
What is studying herbalism without feeling and trusting and what is learning without remembering what you already know.

The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location?

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