Last Wednesday I have the opportunity to do a photo hunt at Sabah Museum after my short meeting with a friend for work related purposes. After the we wrap up the meeting, we went to walk around the museum to hunt for a birds but I just not getting a good photo with my lens right now. So, I saw a lotus and a few wild flowers that I didn't know the name. The one that got my attention is this one big lotus flower. After searching for the name in google, its the Nelumbo Nucifera also known as sacred lotus, Laxmi lotus or Indian lotus.
There's also a small size lotus in the small lake inside this museum compound. I saw a lot of dragonflies in this area and I think this is their favourite habitat.
There's a wild tropical fruits I encounter which in a normal circumstances I will not take notice of it. But since my focus on that day is to hunt for a photo, this wild fruit took my attention. I never known it's name until today that I decided to google it. The scientific name of this fruit is Dillenia suffruticosa, but the local name I'm not familiar.
Another plant that I saw I'm not familiar with is this Alpinia purpurata or the Red ginger plant, a native Malaysian plants with showy flowers on long brightly coloured red bracts. I realize that there's a single small white colour flower at the top of the plant which is the true bloom flower.
My photo walk at that time has been very educational. I've never take notice all of this plant before but now that I know the name, which for me still quite hard to remember, makes me appreciate the beauty of nature more. Slowing down a bit from the busy world of my work and getting in one with nature really do help a lot with my mental clarity. Should be doing this a lot more in the future. Until then, have a great week everyone.