Street Photography - Monomad Challenge.

in #hive-1421595 months ago

Today I'm bringing you a set of 11 street photos I took in the city of San Cristóbal, Venezuela.

I'll be using this photos as an entry for the #monomad challenge.

Since this city has many mountains, it's common to see very steep climbs and descents. I've learned that you can take some really interesting photos from these streets because you can really appreciate the distances in the shots.

Hoy les traigo un set de 11 fotografias callejeras que tomé en la ciudad de San Cristobal, en Venezuela.

Usaré estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.

Como esta ciudad tiene muchas montañas es comun ver subidas y bajadas muy empinadas y he aprendido desde esas calles se pueden hacer unas fotos muy interesantes ya que se puede apreciar bastante las distancias en las fotos.

I even managed to take a photo like this through my car's rearview mirror:

Incluso llegue hacer una foto de este tipo a través del retrovisor de mi carro:

And I took the following photo looking up on a street that's so steep you can't even see what's beyond it:

Y la siguiente foto la tomé hacia arriba en una calle que es tan empinada que nisiquiera puedes ver lo que hay mas alla:

In the city center, there's a street that practically crosses the entire city from end to end. I went to this street and positioned myself in a way that you could see all the way to the end:

En el centro de la ciudad hay una calle que prácticamente atraviesa toda la ciudad de punta a punta, fui a esta calle y me posicione de una manera en que se pudiera ver hasta el fondo:

I took this photo a little further down, and you can see that the perspective isn't the same, but what I liked about this photo is that you can see the city is pretty busy:

Esta foto la tomé un poco mas adelante y pueden ver que la perspectiva no es la misma, pero lo que me gustó de esta foto es que se puede ver la ciudad bastante ajetreada:

On the street, I found a truck loaded with coconuts and wanted to take this photo:

En la calle encontré un camión cargado de cocos y quise hacerle esta foto:

Another truck, loaded with baskets:

Otro camión, cargado de cestas :

And next, I'll show you a couple of photos where the protagonists are people.

Like this mother and daughter who were walking their dog:

Y a continuación les mostraré un par de fotografias donde los protagonistas son las personas.

Como esta madre y hija que caminaban juntas paseando a su perro:

This man was dressed very elegantly, carrying a black bag. I couldn't see what was in it:

Este hombre iba vestido de una manera muy elegante, cargaba una bolsa negra, no pude ver que era:

Two men talking calmly on the street while enjoying a beer:

Dos hombres conversando tranquilamente en la calle mientras disfrutaban de una cerveza:

I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I did!

Espero que estas fotos les hayan gustado tanto como a mi!


San Cristobal is always surrounded by its eternal mountains that constantly watch over the city, while in the city every day there is the chaos and routine of its people.


Interesting that perspective on the steep climbs and descents, they really make for some interesting photographs!

Yeahhh!! i always look for these streets to do photos!

I like street photography a lot !!!

very nice pictures dude, keep going it always!