Ever get that feeling that you've made a huge mistake????
I have, I've got it now.... But I'm trying to sort it... sometimes the grass maybe greener on the other side, but its covered in dogshit which you have to dodge.....
Anyway, back onto the real point of the post.... Some of the recent photography... Yeah, I know I've not posted for a while, hence the first sentance!!!!
So recently I had a shoot with Jess, a local model to me and we've worked together a few times, and always had a laugh so we arranged another.
A hot summers evening, we shot in Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire, although some of it looks more like its abroad given then lack of rain we've had here, the grass is very parched and is yellow rather than green..
Shooting at the early evening after a long day being dad's taxi service and at work, I wasn't sure I would be any use behind the camera, but I'm quite happy at how these came out. I managed to get my ideas in the can from pre-shoot and like the during shoot 'winging it' ideas.
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and any CC
anyway, back to trying to sort out my huge fuck up.