Mercy has a way in manifesting in the life of believers.Sometimes mercy can speak in a language that most of us don't understand.
Some of the disappointment you encounter are just mercy in disguise. Mercy can decide to speak and you receive a sack letter in your workplace, because the as far you are in that work you might not be able to receive what God has for you because there is no time. Some big disappointment are really mercy in disguise. If only you could know what would have happened next if mercy didn't show up for you.
Stop crying over what you lost. Only God knows what will happen to you at the next moment and in the future, He will always try rescue you because of his infinite love for you. Dust yourself up! and be ready for the big thing God had for you next.
The problem we as Christians are too quick to make conclusions. We don't always have idea of what God wants to save us from. The situation you are in right now might look like a delay but God is actually saving you from a disaster that is about to happen.
Understand that mercy always have different ways of showing itself and sometimes it might not be palatable to your current situation, but it will always be for your own Good.
Thank God for showing us mercy