Welcome to my time capsule. 😊 We are traveling back several years to meet a girl much like me, but far younger and more naive. I will be telling you her story through her eyes over the coming weeks and months. I hope you enjoy it and see the many ways her Savior has guided her every step of the way! All of my posts marked with #LaAventuraDeLaVida are a part of this ongoing series.
~ Oct 24, 2013 ~
I know I haven’t posted much recently, and I am sorry that my updates are sporadic. I’ve been going through a lot emotionally, physically, and spiritually over this past month, and I’m still trying to sort it all out for myself before I share it with you. Plus, we always seem to be busy, which doesn’t leave a great deal of free time in which to contemplate and write. For now, let me just say that God is always good, even when we are a mess, and He is slowly teaching me more and more about what it looks like to praise Him with a joyful heart and give thanks in all circumstances.
When we were in Guatemala last week for our visa trip, we went to the craft market downtown to browse and buy a few things. They had the coolest leather bracelets there that they would burn to personalize for you right there. I wasn’t sure what I wanted mine to say (because I think wearing my name around on my wrist is highly overrated). Nicole asked me what my favorite word is in Spanish, and the first thing that popped into my head was pájaro (go ahead, say it out loud. It’s a super fun word). But I didn’t really want to go around with a bracelet that said “bird” on it either, so I thought a bit longer. And one of the words we sing at church all that time that I absolutely LOVE popped into my head. Alabaré. It means “I will praise,” and it was exactly the word that I needed.
I am slowly but surely learning to praise Him. Even with a head full of crud. Even when all I want to do is sleep and not deal with children for a week. Even when I don’t feel like my kids are learning anything. Even then. Even then, I will praise. Even then, I will be faithful. Even then, I will run the race marked out for me. Even then, His joy will be my strength. Even then, alabaré.
That really encapsulates my last four weeks. More details to come (eventually). Love you all so much, miss you, and am so thankful for your prayers.
Previous posts in this series (most recent listed first):
Mas Que un Vencedor - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
His mercies are new "cada mañana"! - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
Checklist for Gringos - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
Getting There: Saying Goodbye and Hello - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
La Gracia de Dios (the grace of God) - #LaAventuraDeLaVida