Welcome to my time capsule. 😊 We are traveling back several years to meet a girl much like me, but far younger and more naive. I will be telling you her story through her eyes over the coming weeks and months. I hope you enjoy it and see the many ways her Savior has guided her every step of the way! All of my posts marked with #LaAventuraDeLaVida are a part of this ongoing series.
~ Nov 23, 2013 ~
I am truly terrible at regular updates. I always think that I have to write this truly insightful lengthy piece in order for it to be worth reading. Then I get intimidated by having to write a lengthy, insightful piece, and I never do it. That said, here is a shorter, informational post that I hope you will enjoy. =) Maybe the other one will come later.
Life is going very quickly here. I can hardly believe it’s almost the end of November. We just finished our first big exam week, and last Friday was report card day, where all the parents came to the school and got to see their kids’ grades and talk to the teachers. I didn’t get to talk much (I’m not sure if the parents knew I spoke some Spanish), but I did get to answer a few questions from parents, and it was really nice to get to see and interact with who are raising the kids I get for an hour and a half every day.
I just found out last week that each grade will be doing a Christmas program for the whole school and all the parents (no biggie, right?) and we will start working on it on Monday. I have choreographed a dance to “It’s About the Cross” by Go Fish, but just trying to get the kids in one position together to make a cross with their hands was a disaster last Thursday, so please be praying that I will be able to communicate and that the kids will get it. The reason I picked this song is because it has an awesome message, and I really want to be able to give it a meaning that transcends the language barrier.
Also, I had to go to the cafeteria to talk to my kids about which group they were in, since we didn’t have class due to report cards, and Kathy was able to get a couple really good pictures of me with them (since normally I’m in teaching mode, not photographer mode). The first one is of my 8th graders. The one I’m talking to is Elvis. He’s super smart, and he’s always cracking me up. The one making the peace sign is Angel. Typical boy, goofing off and posing for the camera! On the left side is Ovidio, Dailing, and Yasmin chatting and finishing up their lunch.
This one is one Kathy took of me with my 3rd graders. They are all so sweet. This is about a third of the class. Please forgive the hair halo. The bus runs with all the windows down, and it is not kind to hair. ;p
Left to right is Leyli, Mariela, Daniela, Crystel, Osman, Mahonry, Harlin, and Carlos. They are pretending to be seeds.
Five most recent posts in this series (most recent listed first):
Raindrops on Noses - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
Muchas cosas estan haciendo! - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
Mas Que un Vencedor - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
His mercies are new "cada mañana"! - #LaAventuraDeLaVida
Checklist for Gringos - #LaAventuraDeLaVida