How Respectful Our Prayer Can Be

in #hive-1423765 months ago

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Our heavenly father loves us deeply and want us to be his friend. Our communication to him should be regularly and meaningful so as to build up that relationship and enjoy its benefits. Prayer is very important communication tool available to us. God wants to hear from us and answers them. But how best can we improve our prayers and show respect to God whenever we pray? Let's share some point of thoughts on this topic.

During discussion with humans especially our seniors, certain customs depending where we reside that should be obeyed to be counted as respect and such discussion will be heard favorably and meaningful. Truly, our heavenly father did not expect much from us or conditioned us to be his friend and communicate with him. He wants us to share everything on our mind and bare them empty towards him. Honestly he will understand and favor us. He encouraged us to pray continually to enjoy his friendship and blessings.

In as much as we should pray incessantly, we should pray according to his purpose and will. 1 John 5:14 rightly showed that we should pray for correct reasons. One of good reasons to pray include to remember others when we pray. It can be counted as godly devotion to include other's welfare and concerns, not only ours everytime. Also. James chapter 4:3 mentioned that asking for fleshy desires can be wrong reasons and God might not answer such prayer.

Matthew chapter 4:7 indicate how best we should viewed the way, God answers our prayers. We should never think that he will answer our prayers in our ways and timetable. God knows more than us and have good purpose for us so his answers and timing will be best option, we have. So let's not worry but be hopeful and mindful too.

One of our local proverbs is that "when we thank someone, that person will be happy and do more". So in our prayers, we should be thankful. Remembering all the good presents and life itself comes from him, will motivate us to praise and thank him always. It should form the baseline of our prayers and it show how we feel about him and benefit, we derived. God can do more when we praise and give him glory. What happened when Paul and Silas pray and praise God should warm our hearts as we give him glory. They are bound in chains and difficulties but they focus on praying and praising him. Some people would have blamed God for their ugly plight because it was in their missionary service that they beaten and jailed. Praising and praying to God can be very effective as God save them and replenished.


Prayer is very important to us and should be respectful Christian activity that serve the purpose of addressing our concerns, thanks and pleads. We should be able respectful whenever we pray. Factors like good timing, quality and giving praise should be considered for God's blessings and answers.