La Voz Cantante (#12): Don't Stop Believin'/ No Dejes De Creer By The Journey - (Cover) By Khaleesii [ENG-ESP]

in #hive-1424152 years ago

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Hello everyone, it is my first time in this community, and I am so happy to be here because I have been wanted to for a while but, I was scared to.

Anyways, for the theme of this week “ the singing voice”, I will be covering a song titled Don't Stop Believin' by journey, the reason I chose this song is because of how much I love it and how inspiring it has been to me.

Journey is an American rock band that originated in San Francisco in the year 1973 by former members of Santana, Steve miller band, and furious Bandersnatch, over the years, they have had various members but, the only constant person has been the guitarist “Neal Schon”.

Journey had countless hits but, one of their biggest commercial hit is the song Don’t stop believin’ which was released in 1981, and one of the writers of the song “Jon Cain” when asked about the song said he wrote it because of a conversation he had with his father when he was in a bad phase, in his words, his father told him to not give up because his biggest breakthrough was just around the corner.

This shows how motivating this song is because it speaks so much about the trials of life and how we should keep pushing regardless of everything that life throws at us.

I hope you enjoy my rendition of this song and thank you for watching.


Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train going anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train going anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waitin'
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin' in the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night

Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time

Some'll win, some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
Whoa, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waitin'
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin' in the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlights, people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlights, people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlights, people

Writer(s): Stephen Ray Perry / Neal Joseph Schon / Jonathan Cain
Lyrics by musixmatch



Hola a todos, es mi primera vez en esta comunidad, y estoy muy contenta de estar aquí porque hace tiempo que quería hacerlo pero, me daba miedo.

De todos modos, para el tema de esta semana "la voz cantante", voy a cubrir una canción titulada Don't Stop Believin 'de viaje, la razón por la que elegí esta canción es por lo mucho que me gusta y lo inspirador que ha sido para mí.

Journey es una banda de rock americana que se originó en San Francisco en el año 1973 por antiguos miembros de Santana, Steve miller band, y furiosa Bandersnatch, a lo largo de los años, han tenido varios miembros pero, la única persona constante ha sido el guitarrista "Neal Schon".

Journey tuvo innumerables éxitos pero, uno de sus mayores éxitos comerciales es la canción Don't stop believin' que fue lanzada en 1981, y uno de los escritores de la canción "Jon Cain" cuando se le preguntó sobre la canción dijo que la escribió debido a una conversación que tuvo con su padre cuando estaba en una mala fase, en sus palabras, su padre le dijo que no se rindiera porque su mayor avance estaba a la vuelta de la esquina.

Esto demuestra lo motivadora que es esta canción porque habla mucho de las pruebas de la vida y de cómo debemos seguir empujando a pesar de todo lo que la vida nos depara.

Espero que disfruten de mi interpretación de esta canción y gracias por verla.


Sólo una chica de pueblo
Viviendo en un mundo solitario
Tomó el tren de medianoche para ir a cualquier parte
Just a city boy
Nacido y criado en el sur de Detroit
Tomó el tren de medianoche que va a cualquier parte

Un cantante en una habitación llena de humo
Un olor a vino y perfume barato
Por una sonrisa pueden compartir la noche
Sigue y sigue y sigue y sigue

Extraños esperando
Arriba y abajo del bulevar
Sus sombras buscando en la noche
Las luces de la calle, la gente
Livin' just to find emotion
Escondiéndose, en algún lugar de la noche

Trabajando duro para conseguir mi relleno
Todo el mundo quiere una emoción
Pagando lo que sea para tirar los dados
Sólo una vez más

Algunos ganarán, otros perderán
Algunos han nacido para cantar el blues
Whoa, la película nunca termina
Sigue y sigue y sigue y sigue

Extraños esperando
Arriba y abajo del bulevar
Sus sombras buscando en la noche
Farolas, gente
Viviendo solo para encontrar emoción
Escondiéndome, en algún lugar de la noche

No dejes de creer
Aguanta esa sensación.
Farolas, gente

No dejes de creer
Farolas, gente

No dejes de creer
Aguanta esa sensación.
Farolas, gente

Escritor(es): Stephen Ray Perry / Neal Joseph Schon / Jonathan Cain
Letra de musixmatch


▶️ 3Speak



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I love this song because of when they sang it in glee, it was so iconic.

Beautiful singing dear.

Glee indeed made me fall in love with this song, they did so well.

Thank you so much for watching.

You are welcome.

Beautiful singing dear, you did so well.

This is an iconic song and you did justice to it.

Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

You are welcome.
Keep it up.

Sweet singing! I don't know the song sha

I want to Pukumundo too 😫

Wait oh, you don't know the song, how na?

You didn't watch glee??

I didn't watch it

Oh well, it was sung there and it was very popular.

Anyways to participate in pukumundo, you just need to check their rules and sing a rock song, I think.

Oh...yeah, that's why I haven't joined...a rock song. I'm not sure I know a lot of those

You can always research on them.

I don't know the song too ohh 🙃 and I didn't watch glee..

But the song was pretty popular even minus glee.

Your presentations are always full of life and thrilling. It is Amazing dear and remember, don't stop believing 😉

Thank you so much, means a lot to me.

Awwnn 🤗🤗 I'm tall of words.


Oh my God, your voice is just remarkable, seriously i lack words to describe . Just know youre amazing

Thank you so much, means a lot to me 😊

Keep going gurl☺️☺️

Woow awesome cover
Your amazing voice is incredible

Thank you so much, your words are so kind.

Your welcome
For me is a true blessing listen your voice ;)

Now you want to make me smile till my teeth fall off, it means a lot, it really does.


I always enjoy watching you,
You full of good vibes and energetic as well.
Plus, I sang along with you too

Brilliant performance dear
You did well as always..

And yes. I won't stop believing.

You flatter me so much dear, thank you so much.

I am happy that you got to sing along, I love this song so much.