in #hive-1424152 years ago

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Hey beautiful people,
How are we all doing??

This is LAVOS CANTANTE week 53 and I remain your very own @tobbysax. It is with great joy that I am a part of this week's task . It has indeed been quite a while in this community and I am glad to be here.

A special appreciation to the amiable moderators of this community @nahupuku and @orimusic for this privilege commend them for their hardwork and relentless commitment to make sure to maintain the pace of the growth of this community and its occupants. i must say it paid off.

Without much to be said, today I would be presenting a commonly sang gospel "worship" song titled **YOU'RE GOOD which i will be singing in form of acapella. The reason for my choice of song is to appreciate the creator(God) for his endless love and numerous blessings upon our lives and every of our endeavours.

Even if it might sometimes seem as though the current situations we may find ourselves doesn't make us see any, there is always more than enough reasons to be thankful. Life alone is the most important and prominent reasons to be thankful because is a symbol of hope .

No matter what we might be going through, we should always cultivate the habit of thanksgiving because it reminds God of his promises for us and hasten its manifestation.

I hope essence is portrayed and that you enjoy this piece.

**Thanks for stopping by.

**SPANISH 🇪🇸🇪🇸

Hola gente hermosa, como estamos todos??

Esta es la semana 53 de LAVOS CANTANTE y sigo siendo tuyo @tobbysax. Es con gran alegría que soy parte de la tarea de esta semana. De hecho, ha pasado bastante tiempo en esta comunidad y estoy contento de estar aquí.

Un agradecimiento especial a los amables moderadores de esta comunidad @nahupuku y @orimusic por este privilegio, felicítelos por su arduo trabajo y compromiso incansable para asegurarse de mantener el ritmo de crecimiento de esta comunidad y sus ocupantes. Debo decir que valió la pena.

Sin mucho que decir, hoy presentaría una canción de "adoración" del evangelio comúnmente cantada titulada **ERES BUENO, que cantaré en forma de acapella. El motivo de mi elección de la canción es para agradecer al creador (Dios) por su amor infinito y sus numerosas bendiciones sobre nuestras vidas y cada uno de nuestros esfuerzo.

Aunque a veces parezca que las situaciones actuales en las que nos podemos encontrar no nos hacen ver ninguna, siempre hay motivos más que suficientes para estar agradecidos. Solo la vida es la razón más importante y prominente para estar agradecido porque es un símbolo de esperanza.

No importa por lo que podamos estar pasando, siempre debemos cultivar el hábito de la acción de gracias porque le recuerda a Dios sus promesas para con nosotros y acelera su manifestación.

Espero que se retrate la esencia y que disfrutéis de esta pieza.

**Gracias por pasar.

▶️ 3Speak


Woow sounds amazing
Very beautiful piece of voice
Amazing work

Thank you very much sir
I am honoured to have you around.
Thank you for stopping by.


I hope you're having a great day?

Yeah well i'm little bit better
I have some health issues

Huh...I'm so sorry about that...
It's great that you're getting better...

I wish you a quick and speedy recovery brother...

Thanks a Lot
Blessings and all the Best for you

Hello friend, excellent polyphony, a giant hug and a thousand blessings 🤗🎸🎶

Thank you very much @sultanmix777 . I really appreciate. Thanks for stopping by...

Nice sounds bro!

Thanks boss🙌...thanks for stopping by....


Wow, awesome singing and great move my man! really enjoyed it

Honorific Award - Premio honorifico por tu participación en la Voz cantante semana 53 - Congrats! - concurso junto a Aliento / Soundmusic / StickUpBoys / 3speakes