Enjoy the video guys. Luckily, I am on a win streak and I hope that it will never end. I hope you learn something that can help you win games. I had fun strategizing because you are being challenged to think here in axie. Watch me outplay all my enemies and show them who's the boss.🤣
So axie infinity had a new update on how the axies look and a faster game since the animation time of attacks had been reduced. As you can see on the video above, it is hard to catch up when you miss even a single attack. You'll lose count of the enemies' energies or their cards. Some cards have also changed animation so you better keep up.😆
For me, I like this update because I want to finish the game at a faster rate. Although I need to adjust on the speed, I can still manage it if I would practice focusing on the game.
The damage or shields of the cards haven't change, but I heard that there will be an update about the nerfs and buffs of cards next season. This would be a good way to change the Meta axies and it might even cause a slight improvement on the slp price.
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