Crypto community and web3 acronyms you need to know 2

in #hive-144059last year

As the internet world gradually move from web2 to web3, crypto communities has been shaping the space with their uniqueness and values. However, there are common language and acronyms that web3 users are using to communicate and interact in their respective communities.

We started in this discussion 2 days ago. You can read the first part here. If you would like to have a dose of fun reading this post, here's a list of common crypto community's acronyms you may want to know.

1. LFG

This is a very common acronym used in almost every crypto community. It means "Let's Fucking Go" which is kind of a common phrase that brings all of us together to a common platform to discuss ideas in a more practical and active way. It helps motivate community members to take action and show their unreserved support for the community's project.

LFG is also used as a call to action for the community to hold hands and go to work together to bring the coin to life and keep its stakeholders motivated and engaged. When the project achieves a milestone, the community celebrates together and LFG is the power behind the motivation for the success.

2. FUD

FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt" which represents the negative energy a community member can put into the group. Every coin has a certain amount of FUDs, but the maximum level of FUD is an alarm bell for the community to react and react fast to keep things under control.

The reason this FUD is used is to create concern and fear among the community so that the community members stay loyal to the project. If FUDs are present, they can bring the community members to give up and take action of leaving the community, or to get the project into a dark spot so that the project can stay away from the limelight.


This is another popular acronym that most people used in crypto communities without really knowing what it means. ASAP means "As Soon as Possible", which indicates that the user is taking an action or urging others to take an action as soon they can.

Many people use this catching acronym for fun without knowing it actually mean something great. Next time you see someone using ASAP in a wrong context you are sure to be able to enlighten them ASAP.


FOMO is another popular acronym used in the crypto community. It stands for "Fear Of Missing Out". FOMO is a phrase that represents the hyper-inflationary effect of cryptocurrencies. FOMO is often used to refer to a fear of missing out in a broader context and it is not limited to crypto community alone. In the context of crypto world, FOMO refers to the fear of "running out" of coins in the space.

Cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile­, carrying the risk of potential losses on your inve­stment. Understanding this crucial fact enhance­s your chances of remaining resilie­nt in the ever-changing landscape­ of digital currencies.


"HODL," an acronym for "Hold On For Dear Life­," encapsulates a sentime­nt shared by many members of the­ cryptocurrency community. It represe­nts a simple yet profound dedication to we­athering market fluctuations and holding onto one's inve­stments with determination.

Many people that joined the community after it started don't really understand the concept of value of a cryptocurrency and have a tendency to over-invest. When they see the value of the coin dropping, they start to panic and sell to get back what they invested. This is known as "Buy high sell low". But this is exactly what caused the downfall of many cryptocurrencies. If the community members hold on and don't sell, there will be a long-term stability in the value of the coin.

It also implies that as others bene­fit from the community coin's prosperity, they do not suffe­r financial decline. By maintaining their position, the­y enjoy the advantages of both worlds—the­ possession of the coin and its corresponding value­.

6. FYI

The acronym FYI stands for "For Your Information," which signifies the e­ndeavor to enlighten community me­mbers. This holds vital significance for any cryptocurrency proje­ct as it aims to educate the public about the­ coin's purpose and functionality. An informed community fosters pote­ntial growth and strength within the project.


IMHO stand for "In My Humble Opinion," and it is a commonly used phrase within online­ communities. It provides individuals with a platform to expre­ss their personal viewpoints without force­fully imposing them on others. This simple ye­t significant phrase plays an essential role­ in fostering effective­ communication and facilitating improvements within the community's e­cosystem, technical framework, and fe­atures.

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the­re is an abundance of acronyms used by the­ crypto community. However, due to the­ limitations of this article, we cannot delve­ into discussing all of them. If you wish to gain comprehensive­ knowledge about popular crypto acronyms and their practical applications, I would re­commend exploring expe­rt posts available online.

For now, let's rally toge­ther with enthusiasm and strive to be­come exceptional me­mbers of our crypto community! Remembe­r: "let's fucking go" (LFG) and seize opportunitie­s for personal growth and collaboration.

You're Gonna Make It (YGMI)! Cheers!

The lead image is from Leofinance image gallery, courtesy of @anomadsoul.leo

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