Hello, wonderful people of this community. Hope you have been having a great time schooling. School is for everyone and we all have to acquire a skill or knowledge to add value to society.
Today I come to share my campus experience with you. A campus located in tamale. Coming from Kumasi, you will meet it from your left, and in Tamale town, you will meet it from your right. That’s University for development studies, Dungu main campus.
So for the past month, we have been in an exercise. This exercise was termed verification of students. So in every school, we have the chance people are offered admission and they don’t make it to the school. they generate IDs for them and they don’t end up coming. So for this reason, this process was brought up by the administration to help clear these ghost names from their systems. So you come with your university ID and they will take you through the process.
So the process goes this way. You come in from the back where the ICT lab has two doors. You enter from one and leave from the other. I will talk about the queue later. When you get in, we have two people who are doing the verification. When you go to them ask for your ID, the level you are in, and the elective you wish to register for that trimester. Some students came from other schools like training colleges. For, they have certificates from those schools and we scan them., that is where my work comes in.
Going to these people, you might have a problem like you have been repeated, or you have two courses repeating twice. There could be a case where you didn’t register for a course but it appears in your portal as a failed cause. That when these two other guys come in. they have their queue too where they solve these problems. So basically, we have 4 people, 2 at the first end and another two at the other end. That’s how this process works.
When they get past there, they come to me. where if you have something to be scanned I do that for you. We have folders where we keep their files. These files are saved into the course the people are studying. Each student’s file is saved with his or her ID to make it easy for identification. So, coming with an ID 21345 with a BSc course. Mathematics, we save your certificate with file number 21345 in the BSc. Mathematics folder. This is how great it is.
The last part of the process is the picture. We take a passport picture of you which will replace the picture you uploaded when you were applying. This is to give you a new look. This will appear in the system in terms of graduation and the collection of any future documents from the school. That’s how simple this process is.
This is an experience. It is a great one and I wish to share that. I hope you enjoyed it