¿Qué significa el arte para mí?
¿Qué tipo de arte disfruto más?
¿Tienes alguna idea para impulsar a los artistas a través de 3Speak?
Hello everyone! Today I will be participating in the 3Speak initiative as part of the commemoration of World Art Day. So here's a little bit of what I talk about in the video, answering the questions that correspond to the initiative.
What does art mean to me?
Before answering this, I would like to make an approach to what we understand conceptually as art. Art is any creation made by the human being through different resources, instruments and techniques to produce something. So, in general parameters, the most important resource or means for art to exist is the human being. Without him, there is no creation, there is nothing. Therefore, for me art means a constant doing, done with reason and in a predetermined way, with faculties and abilities that will allow the development of a work. Art has to have a meaning because not all doing is art.
The meaning of art is quite broad according to opinions but I consider it a profession, like any other, which requires commitment, perseverance, perception, development of skills, sensitivity, discipline and passion. For me, art has given me reasons to escape and produce what I cannot express in any other way. Well, I am a shy person and thanks to art I have been able to project some of my visions, thoughts and feelings. Art is a way of life.
What kind of art do I enjoy the most?
Undoubtedly, I think that I enter into a conflict because I like many disciplines. However I would say painting, music and cinema. Painting because it is what I have dedicated myself to for a long time and I have learned to handle it. Music, it's what I work with and I also enjoy listening to music, I think it's something I do all the time. And cinema, because it is a love that I will never stop having, I love collecting good names of movies, finding gems of directors and every week I dedicate myself to watch at least one movie. I think, basically that would be what I enjoy the most in terms of artistic disciplines.
Do you have any ideas for promoting artists through 3Speak?
Yes. I think that like me, many artists would be enthusiastic to participate and use the platform more if there is a massive diffusion. That is, that each of the users who make use of the platform inform their closest artists about the benefits of working with 3Speak. I found out about Hive through videos where I noticed that most of them uploaded videos singing, so that encouraged me to join. So I think you have to do a strong outreach work and make productive use of the platform.
This has been all friends, I hope you liked it. Perhaps many more things could have been said, but for the moment I hope I have been clear. Thank you very much of course for stopping by, reading, watching, listening, commenting, voting or just as a spectator of my work. I wish you a happy day and a big hug to all of you. Kisses and Goodbye!
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