Hace días me contactaron por un trabajo a realizar, me comenta necesita realizar publicidad a sus clientes mas cercanos. ¿Que le recomendaba yo?.
A few days ago, I was contacted for a job to be done. They mentioned the need to advertise to their closest clients. What would you recommend?
Así que yo le comente: "después del tono deja tu mensaje"... Naa mentira, le comente que en impresión 3d lo mas detallista o simbólico es llavero, hoy en dia todos tenemos llaves o el manojo de llaves.
So I told them, "after the tone, leave your message"... Nah, just kidding. I suggested that in 3D printing, the most detailed or symbolic item is a keychain. Nowadays, everyone has keys or a keyring.
Dijo: "lo voy a pensar".
He said, "I'll think about it."
Efectivamente lo penso y se acerco nuevamente a preguntar si le podia realizar unas muestras, le dije que si podía, que solo necesitaba el diseño de su logo para colocarlo.
Indeed, he thought about it and approached again to ask if I could make some samples. I told him that it was possible, and I only needed the design of his logo to incorporate it.
Sin mas preámbulos esto fue lo que paso, espero que les guste el video del paso a paso:
Without further ado, this is what happened. I hope you enjoy the step-by-step video.
El diseño original / The original design.
Diseño sin pixeles / Pixel-free design.
Diseño en 3d listo para imprimirse / 3D design ready for printing.
I hope you enjoy the video...
PD: estoy ubicando una AI para subtitular los videos...
pd: I'm looking for an AI to subtitle the videos...
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