Hello battlers,
Weekend is fast approaching with tomorrow being Friday and there are things moving fast in Splinterlands with so many updates and new promo cards due to be available for purchase soon and we have the 2 weekly challenges up as well and I am going to provide a battle details in which, Quora Towershead was tamed by her splintermate Katrelba Gobson.
Katrelba Gobson as we know, is a melee attack monster with double attack in each round and being a bloodlust monster just like Quora Towershead, she can get her stats increased every time she removes a monster.
Katrelba Gobson is the gladius card from guild brawls battles and she is I think One of the underrated monsters and I wanted to prove that she is One of the most powerful monsters we have from gladius cards we have and I even compare her on par with Quora Towershead.
No doubt, there are drawbacks for each of these 2 monsters I mentioned, but those are there with each of the monsters we have, so no complaints.
As we know, Katrelba Gobson is melee attack monster with dual attack in each round and is a sneak attack monster and at level 6, it even have snare ability, which will make it remove the flying ability from the monsters it attacks.
So, this snare ability removal will be particularly useful in earthquake battles, where, a monster will lose 2 health in each round after the armors if any are fully reduced.
Here I am gonna share a battle details, where, Katrelba went head to head against the ever powerful Quora Towershead and I am happy to come triumphant against Quora (although not many times).
The battle I am sharing here is a battle where the rulesets of weak magic, reach ability to all monsters and blood and sunder which will give a corrosive effect to all monsters with armors.
The battle had a mana cap of 24 and all splinters except Life were available for using in this battle.
This led me to use a different lineup with few Zero mana cost or One mana cost monsters at the front and Katrelba almost in the last position.
Here I go with details of the lineup and why I used those in that order.
Chaos Agent:
I have seen in many battles that, Chaos Agent was unbeatable most of the time and just keeps evading the attack with it's dodge and phase abilities especially against melee and ranged attacks.
So, I felt of using it in the front to buy more time for Katrelba Gobson to try and remove as many monsters as possible from the backend from opponent's lineup.
Furious Chicken:
The low mana cap means, I had to use Furious Chicken before the Katrelba Gobson and other monsters to protect them and Furious Chicken served it's purpose.
3. Thane Newsong:
As I wanted to induce all the positives for Katrelba, I used this to increase her melee attack since this monster can inspire, can strengthen to increase health of all friendly monsters.
Creeping Ooze:
Another 1 mana cost monster which is particularly useful with it's slow ability to reduce the speed of the monsters used by opponent and with reach ability on, it can even induce 1 melee attack when it moves to Second position.
Katrelba Gobson:
Here we have the monster I am explaining in this blog and Katrelba with all the goodies from monsters around it, was able to teach a lesson to Quora who is the supreme One of all the gladius monsters we have.
Clockwork Aide:
In the end most position, I used this no attack monster, the reason being, it has those 9 armors which can shield it from sneak attack and it has swift ability to increase speed of all friendly monsters.
With that combination of monsters I used, I went into the battle and I wasn't sure that, these set of monsters will be able to take on might Quora Towershead, but, these guys did it by just removing the Quora before it could spread it's wings much larger.
The link is shared above and I am sure you will enjoy this battle.
We should also appreciate the determination of Chaos Agent at the front as it could evade 2 attacks from Quora and I think the only time it was hit was with magic attack from Quora.
So, this is what I wanted to share guys, thanks to you all for watching this and reading this.