Day 5 of my family beach vacation to Seaside Heights, NJ - I met with @blewitt

in #hive-147010last year


Wednesday was a pretty awesome day. I got to spend time at the beach and meet a fellow Hive user named @blewitt.

The day started a bit differently. Everyone in my family wanted to go out for breakfast while I already had food here to cook for myself. I stayed home, went down to the beach by myself, and waited for the rest of my family to join me.

They went to Ob-Co's for a dozen specialty donuts which I of course tried once they got back. I ate an Oreo, blueberry, and some of this cinnamon before they were all gone.

The fam also stopped at a place called All Star Bagel where they got these massive breakfast bagel sandwiches. I have to admit, they looked delicious.

Maybe an hour after I had gotten to the beach, everyone else arrived and we had our party of 4 right by the ocean as usual. We stayed out there for hours, but eventually, we all got tired around our usual time of 3 pm. It was time to head back home and get out of the sun for a bit.

Just as we were about to leave, I noticed this massive man wearing close to nothing and I instantly got a kick out of it. Sure it was hilarious looking, but you also have to respect the guy for having the balls to dress pretty much naked on the beach. I mean his belly covered the little bit of bottoms that he was wearing, so from some angles he legit looked naked. I'm not sure where he was from, but he and his wife both had unique accents. I assume they live in a place where dressing like that is much more common. I didn't see anything wrong with it, but I had to capture the moment as it was truly unforgettable. The dude was certainly happy in his own skin.

Once I got back from the beach, my parents were kind enough to let me take their Blazer to drive half an hour to visit with @blewitt at his shop Conquest Comics in Bayville, NJ. I hadn't been able to meet anybody from Hive since back in 2018 when I went to a Steem meet-up in Tennessee with a bunch of awesome people. I refused to miss the chance to finally meet with one of you again.

I'm very glad that I made the effort to fight the traffic and get down to the shop. @blewitt's place was filled with unique collectibles. I can say without a doubt that it is the largest collection of comic/movie/gaming stuff that I've ever had the pleasure of being around. I may not be a collector myself, but I am still a nerd at heart.

While I was there many people were in and out of the shop. It was the busiest comic shop I've seen and I'm happy to know that business is booming. There were a lot of cool people and we chatted for a couple of hours. I ended up leaving just before the shop closed.

I truly appreciate @blewitt for reaching out before I left his area so that we were able to connect. Such an awesome dude and I got to see many cool things he had in his shop. It made me wish I could travel and meet people like this all of the time. Surely that can happen in the future when my HIVE bags are overflowing and crypto finds new highs. Making in-person connections is still superior to an online friendship.

My beach trip posts are nearing an end, with just a few more days left. I hope to have some more fantastic stories to share soon. It's going to be hard to top me getting to meet a fellow Hive community member.

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@blewitt really has an impressive shop that I would love to see too. Does he really have a Splinterlands poster st the front outside?

That indeed is a real Splinterlands poster. The QR code works too.

Cool! 😎

That shop is fully stocked and it makes my mouth water seeing those comic displays. That is pretty awesome and I am glad you met another new Hivian.

Any fan of comics or collectibles would be in heaven visiting that shop. He had a little bit of everything in there.

Oh dear, now I can't help my fingers from fidgeting. Gosh, I need to be there.

That beach looks awesome and the store too, what a wonderfull place to spend your family vacations

So fun you enjoyed ❤👌 Have fun guys 🥰😘😘😘

The real question is… did you get a tour of the scary back room storage toilet at @blewitt’s shop?

🤣😂🤣 🩷🩷

I did get a tour of the back, but we didn't make a stop at the toilet. Did I miss out on something special? Don't tell me there's an Aquaman bidet 🤣😂

No Aquaman, it looked more like something out of a Saw movie. 😂🤣😂

Oh damn, can’t believe I missed that. Sounds brutal.

Damn, that comics shop looks so AWESOME! they don't really have any like that here in hawaii. (at least not that big)

and thats one COLORFUL sandmich! 😋🌈🥪

The comic shops here where I live are puny in comparison to Conquest Comics. He has a special place for sure and a budding community of people who love what they offer there.

I was slightly jealous that I skipped out on that breakfast bagel, but at least my family got to enjoy them.

Did you swim? I wonder how much salty id the water of the ocean.

Enjoy your holiday!

Yes I swam quite a bit. I love the salt water so much. You do not want to get it in your mouth though, it tastes terrible. It has become popular for some people to have salt water pools instead of the traditional kind with chlorine and all the other chemicals they use to keep it clean.

I don't like pools however much they can be clean. High probablity to catch an infection.

In this way, a person must go on vacation because after working hard all year round, a person becomes worried and if people who are like this continue to work hard and do not go on vacation, then their health will deteriorate.

I’m so glad you were able to make it over to the shop to hang for a bit. You’ve now joined that esteemed rank alongside @dfinney, @steemmatt, @yabapmatt, @bryan-imhoff, and obviously any others that I’ve signed up along the way. 😜

So happy I caught your first post last week mentioning Seaside Heights. It was great chatting and laughing with ya and I look forward to when we can hang again sometime in the future. Glad you enjoyed the trip out…oh…and that Donut place is bangin!!!!

Also, thx for the kind words on the shop!! Safe travels back homie!

I’m happy to join such a solid list of Hive users who were able to spend time at your store. As soon as you hit me up I knew I wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to meet somebody I met through Hive. Chances were slim that you’d notice I was in town before I left, but I’m glad that you did.

Ohh i love tattoss and the beach.

Thank you so much!

Your smile is lovely, keep smiling always.

Handsome, you are looking good with your friend

Much love, thanks bro!

You are welcome 💕

I think there is something that I believe in and I think people should do it too. It is very good to wear any kind of cloth that we will look good in and not the one that will make us look funny like that
Cool to see that you are having a nice time

That guy does look naked. But like you said, you have to respect a person that is comfortable in their own skin.

That's great that you got to see a fellow Hiver during your trip. The shop looks very cool.

As long as his 🍆 wasn't swinging around for everyone to see, then I think it was a acceptable beach attire. Not something I'd wear, but can't hate on him for being comfortable wearing that tiny little piece of cloth. Maybe he lost a bet, who knows.

All very true.

Maybe he lost a bet, who knows.

Or maybe just European 😆

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I thought he was unclad! Also thought they were your parents 😭. Then after reading you, I got it..hehe nice to meet blewiit also.. You must have a amazing weekend there at the beach.
Thanks for sharing your enjoyment there with us.

Lmfao no not my parents. This hilarious that you thought it was them for a moment though. My dad would never hear the end of it if he dressed like that at the beach.

It’s good to know you were able to make it to Blewitt's shop. The place looks magnificent and your face expressions say it all. Lol.

Having fun is good and I’m sure that massive guy is not missing out on any of it, he looks very comfortable in his own skin and I salute him for that, many big men like him don’t roll like that.

And you’re right in-person connection is far greater than online friendships. I bet it was a nice experience and that will deepen the online connection even further compared to when it was all words on a screen.

Vacation sure has to end and we have to get back to the grind but that doesn’t stop us from making it one of the best vacations ever with the little time left. Have a great Sunday.

Yes we were both happy to get to meet. We had many things in common. It's not often somebody else who has an account on Hive is active within either of our vicinities, especially mine back home. I know I'll be more likely to read all of his new posts in greater detail now that we've met in person.

I would love to hangout with the half naked dude from the beach, I'm sure he is a great person and most likely funny.