Domingo de encuentros y deporte 😎 Sunday of meetings and sports

in #hive-147010last year



Mi domingo estuvo movido. En principio por la dinámica de vivir en Venezuela, siempre hay asuntos que resolver que si vives en otro país no entenderías. Bien eso me quitó buena parte del día, sin embargo; me dió tiempo de reunirme con algunos hivers 🥳🥳🥳

Estuve en el parque del este, el lugar de encuentro de buena parte se la ciudad para hacer ejercicios, apenas llegué me uní a bailar con un grupo chévere. Había muchísimas personas, ni siquiera me solté mi bolso, solo bailé al ritmo del grupo y de la música. Sudé un rato mientras esperábamos a las personas con quien nos reunimos.

Me encanta seguir creando sobre Hive y desarrollar nuevas idea, siempre surgen buenas y grandes cosas cuando nos reunimos con la comunidad.

Mis Fotos de hoy están hechas con mi teléfono Samsung A53, me encanta como toma las fotos de día, la luz natural le presta muy bien.

Algunos domingos los agarro para hacer más ejercicio, nunca está demás realizar actividad física, potencia nuestro cuerpo y ocupa nuestra mente.

Ya empezó la semana nuevamente así que seguimos en la ola de crear y de hacer grandes cosas 😎

Te invito a ver mi cuenta @enmymente para que conozcas más de Hive.



My Sunday was busy. In principle because of the dynamics of living in Venezuela, there are always issues to resolve that if you live in another country you wouldn't understand. Well that took up a good part of my day, however; it gave me time to meet up with some hivers 🥳🥳🥳🥳.

I was in the east park, the meeting place for a good part of the city to exercise, as soon as I arrived I joined a cool group to dance. There were tons of people, I didn't even let go of my bag, I just danced to the rhythm of the group and the music. I sweated for a while as we waited for the people we were meeting.

I love to keep creating on Hive and developing new ideas, good and great things always come up when we meet with the community.

My Photos today are taken with my Samsung A53 phone, I love the way it takes pictures in the daytime, the natural light lends itself very well.

Some Sundays I grab them to do more exercise, it never hurts to be physically active, it empowers our body and occupies our mind.

The week has already started again so we are still on the wave of creating and doing great things 😎.

I invite you to check out my account @enmymente to learn more about Hive.


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


!!Misaludo, apoyo y reconocimiento!.


Muy buen grupo y bailando mas chévere.

Hola! Si estuvo muy chévere

I love to keep creating on Hive and developing new ideas, good and great things always come up when we meet with the community.

Great photography done by you mam, but I specially like that link which I mentioned above. Great thing never come from comfort zone- this is my line but I think if we meet to community or if we meet to our friends so definitely we'll get a new ideas, which may be positive or negative it's depend on us but we'll definitely get something.

I also liked your this markdown.


Thanks mam, please visit once on mine.

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