In the process of registering for high school enrollment 🎓

in #hive-1470103 months ago


A few days ago I went to investigate all the requirements for the enrollment process of the high school where my son is going to study for the time being. And I say "for the moment" because we are in the process of moving and at some point I will have to take him out to enroll him somewhere else.

But in order not to leave him in limbo, I have to enroll him somewhere else in the meantime. Near my house there is a public high school that has an alliance with my son's old school. Which by the way we already said goodbye completely because they already gave me all his documents. 🥲💜

So as I was telling you, days before I went to investigate all the requirements but they told me that with all this election stuff they were going to postpone the registrations to September. I was relaxed because I was not supposed to look for those requirements urgently.

To my surprise they sent us a message last night saying that they were going to start registration on Monday 😐🙃 I was cold. Now it was my turn to do everything at the races because tomorrow is a holiday and the weekend is coming.

The most complicated of the precautions was the cardiovascular test. Here they do it in a small medical attention module that is in the urbanization where the school is located. A representative told the group that they were doing it there for a cost of 10 bs, which is approximately 0.35$.

So we organized ourselves to go today in the morning, since as I told you tomorrow is a holiday and we would not be able to do it on the weekend. We arrived and there was a long line of people waiting. We had number 53, but luckily they were already on number 22.

After an hour the line thinned out and we were able to enter the site to wait seated. Then we were seen, my son was weighed and measured, and then we were given the test.

It didn't even take us 5 minutes inside the office. It was super fast. We got out of this requirement, we still need 6 more things but we can buy them calmly during the weekend.

We are one step away from being officially enrolled in high school 😊.

Desde hace algunos días fui a investigar todos los requisitos que pedían para el proceso de inscripción del liceo en dónde va a estudiar mi hijo por los momentos. Y digo por los momentos porque estamos en un proceso de mudanza y en algún momento me va a tocar sacarlo para inscribirlo en otro lado.

Pero para que no quede en el limbo debo inscribirlo en un lado mientras. Cerca de mi casa hay un liceo que es público y es el quw tiene alianza con el antiguo colegio de mi hijo. Que por cierto ya nos despedimos completamente porque ya me entregaron todos sus documentos. 🥲💜

Entonces como les decía, días antes fui a investigar todos los requisitos pero me dijeron que con todo esto de las elecciones iban a posponer las inscripciones para septiembre. Yo me relajé porque no debía buscar esos recaudos de forma urgente.

Para mí sorpresa nos enviaron un mensaje ayer por la noche diciendo que el lunes iban a comenzar las inscripciones 😐🙃 quedé fría. Ahora me tocaba hacer todo a las carreras porque mañana es día feriado y viene el fin de semana.

El más complicsdo de los recaudos era el examen cardiovascular. Por acá lo hacen en un pequeño modulo de atención medica que está en la urbanización donde queda en colegio. Una representante aviso al grupo para decir que ahí lo estaban haciendo por un costo de 10 bs, que son 0.35$ aproximadamente.

Entonces nos organizamos para ir hoy por la mañana, ya que como les dije mañana es feriado y ya el fin de semana no podríamos hacerlo. Llegamos y había una gran fila de personas esperando. Teníamos el número 53, pero por suerte ya iban por el 22.

Al cabo de una hora la fila fue disminuyendo y pudimos ingresar al sitio para esperar sentados. Ya luego nos atendieron, pesaron y midieron a mi hijo y ya luego nos entregaron el examen.

No demoramos dentro del consultorio ni 5 minutos. Fue súper rápido. Salimos de ese requisito, nos faltan otras 6 cosas más pero ya eso se puede comprar con calma en el transcurso del fin de semana.

Estamos a un pasito de estar inscritos oficialmente en el liceo 😊🫶🏼💜

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