Travel diary - This is Africa: Food of Zanzibar

in #hive-147010last year


Hello guys,

Zanzibar cuisine has many influences, including Swahili, British, Portuguese and Arabic cuisine. The basis of the menu is fish and seafood, as the original inhabitants were fishermen. The main side dish is beans, rice, sweet potatoes and plantain. They also use a lot of coconut milk and every dish is well seasoned with spices.
Pilau is one of the most popular dishes. It is rice prepared with cloves, cinnamon, cumin, cardamom and comes with beef, chicken or fish and fresh tomatoes and onions.
My favorite dish is octopus curry.
The perfect opportunity to try street food is the food market in Zanzibar Town.
Drinks made from fresh fruit and sugar cane are an integral part.
Enjoy the pictures!

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


That cuisine is so yummy yummy. See food is always recommended because they are healthy. Your side dishes are all good and thanks for informing us where we can get this foods from.

Seafood is my favorite food when I'm by the sea. Thanks for stopping by;)

No teda, takové africké šmáčky :) Moc pěkné fotky a zasloužený rekošový payout :) :*

@tipu curate

Vyborne! Vyborne! Az do inej galaxie🚀🤤

How delicious these dishes look! Too bad I'm not a fish lover, but everything else looks very delicious.

That's fine, everyone likes something different!
Thanks for stopping by;)

You ate like royalty!! The dishes have such a nice presentation and it just so happens, my diet is mostly seafood of some type. I think it comes from living on the water all your life or most of it.

I have never had octopus curry, but it sounds interesting. I would be willing to give it a go! Thank you for giving us a feast for the eyes!

Have a great week ahead!

Yay! 🤗
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Looks delicious 😋😋😋

Thank you. It was really great!
Have a nice day!
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So cool I never try Zanzibar cuisine I must search more info about it ❤️

It was really fantastic! Have a nice day!

Wow se ven muy tentadoras esas imágenes. Saludos

Gracias. La comida fue realmente excelente. Saludos desde Praga!

Mmmm muy rico que se ve ese platillo muy buena receta

¡Si, es correcto! Muy buena y sabrosa comida.😉