Two months after the Minina operation

in #hive-147010last year


Two months after the Minina operation

How fast time flies, it's been two months since the kitten's operation, our dear Minina shows us how happy she feels now that she's recovered and although she has 6 lives left, she feels happy. This adorable kitten has shown us how to face difficulties with a smile on her face.

Minina now has a calmer spirit, she had to quickly adapt to her fajita and since she could not run, jump or climb, she learned to be still, something that she maintains to this day.
Something that Minina has kept is accompanying my sister every day without fail when she is doing housework, Minina goes to bed and doesn't get unstuck, she is undoubtedly a great company, so my sister doesn't feel alone while she does her chores.
How happy we are to have Minina, she is part of our family and the love of a kitten for a human being has no limits, she understands it and practices her love with actions because she behaves very well and tries to make those around her those around them are happy with her, that is why it is appropriate that in this week that cat day was celebrated, to honor so many kittens that day by day are offering their love to their human family, hurray for all the kittens, happy cat day , even though it was August 8, for us we extend it all week because they deserve it.


A dos meses de la operación de Minina

Que rápido pasa el tiempo, ya son dos meses de la operación de la gatita, nuestra querida Minina nos demuestra lo feliz que se siente ya recuperada y aunque le quedan 6 vidas ella se siente feliz. Esta adorable gatita nos ha demostrado a cómo enfrentar las dificultades con una sonrisa en el hocico.

Minina ahora tiene un espíritu más tranquilo, tuvo que adaptarse rápidamente a su fajita y como no podía correr, saltar o escalar aprendió a estar en quietud algo que mantiene hasta la actualidad.
Algo que ha conservado Minina es acompañar todos los días sin falta a mi hermana cuando ella está haciendo las labores hogareñas, Minina se acuesta y no se despega, sin duda es una gran compañía, así mi hermana no se siente sola mientras hace sus quehaceres.
Que felices estamos al tener a Minina, ella es parte de nuestra familia y el amor de un gatito hacia un ser humano no tiene límites, ella lo entiende y practica su amor con acciones porque se porta muy bien y trata de que los que están a su alrededor estén contentos con ella, por eso es propicio que en esta semana que se celebró el día del gato, homenajear a tantos gatitos que día a día están brindando su amor a su familia humana, hurra por todos los gatitos, feliz día del gato, aunque haya sido el 8 de agosto, para nosotros lo extendemos toda la semana porque se lo merecen.

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