A fun visit!

in #hive-1470105 months ago


This Sunday, we had an unusual visit: a couple of monkeys came to visit us!

It was already late afternoon after a day of sun and swimming when I noticed some movements in the branches of the trees. It didn't take long for the first monkey to appear and find a succulent banana in a space that was intended for birds, but that's okay, it was there for nature to enjoy as it pleased!

It had been a while since I last saw these little animals, and they are very charismatic, as well as suspicious! It wasn't easy to take a picture of them, and I got as close as I could without risking scaring them away. It was a fun visit; it was really cool to watch them eat!


Neste domingo, tivemos uma visita inusitada: um casal de micos veio nos visitar!

Já era final da tarde depois de um dia de sol e piscina quando notei alguns movimentos pelos galhos das árvores. Não demorou muito para o primeiro mico aparecer e achar uma suculenta banana em um espaço que era destinado aos pássaros, mas tudo bem, estava ali para a natureza usufruir como quisesse!

Já fazia algum tempo que não via esses bichinhos e eles são muito carismáticos, além de desconfiados! Não foi fácil tirar uma foto deles e cheguei o mais perto que pude sem correr o risco de espantá-los dali. Foi uma visita divertida; foi muito legal observá-los comer!

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If I were there, I’d have run away
I’m always scared of monkeys but love to see them from afar

Que bonito ver a los monos 🙌