Zanzibar Wildlife Photography: beach close ups

in #hive-1470102 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Now that I have published all four parts of my photography mini series dedicated to the amazing people of Zanzibar, it´s time to take a look at the just as amazing wildlife of this extraordinary Tanzanian archipelago and we will start out right on the beach. That´s right, the Zanzibar beaches are spectacular and it feels so nice and relaxing to be just roaming around the special thin line where the ocean meets the land :)

As you will learn from my future posts about the seaweed farming, Zanzibar is famous for extreme differences between the low tide and the high tide. During the low tide, you can actually walk for up to several miles right into the ocean and you will still be just ankles or knees deep in the water, which is really cool and something I haven´t seen anywhere else. Basically, you are pretty far into the ocean but it still feels like walking on the beach :)

It was on one of these "ocean walks" that we also got to see many interesting sea creatures. Fortunately, I had my phone with me so I could capture the most interesting "discoveries" for you :) Most of the creatures that you are about to see below were live and we didn´t hurt them of course but some pictures probably feature just parts (empty shells and skeletons) of dead organisms.

Without further ado, here is a little sample of what you can find on the beautiful beaches and in the super warm shallow waters of the Indian Ocean on Zanzibar, Tanzania :)












I hope you liked the pictures. As a big fan of crustaceans, I really wanted to see some of those amazingly blue crabs that we found just the claws from but we were not so lucky. I think they might actually live in some other type of the marine environment, maybe in the rocks or the reefs and it´s possible that the claws were just washed on the shore by the tide. However, I´m pretty sure it´s the same species as the one that the boy in the cover picture of this post is holding in his hands, although the crab featured in that picture is missing his claws (as far as I remember, the boy cut them off and put them in his bag).

Anyway, we heard that the underwater wildlife of Zanzibar is very rich and diverse and if we ever make it there again, I will make sure to bring my snorkeling gear with me ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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Wow!!! It's very interesting post

Glad you found it interesting :) What´s your favorite shot?

Wow!!!... This is a banquet of good photos!... Each one is a fantasy in itself... Excellent captures and a theme rarely seen in #Hive @phortun friend... Sea creatures, views in a very particular way!... Thanks for sharing!...

!discovery 40


Thanks buddy :) Yeah, people usually don´t pay much attention to what is happening down there on the ground (beach, sea bottom etc.) but true nature lovers can find fascinating natural microworlds everywhere :) Thank you for your nice comment and support as always!


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How impressive it is for documenting those little moments where we can appreciate nature, its environment and the beings that surround them, each photograph has its own essence. Thanks for showing us a little piece of your experiences.

Well said, thanks for your kind feedback! :)

Wow! All amazing sea creatures you got there my dear friend. How I wish I could hold a starfish, too. Hehe. I remember when I was younger, I was holding one and then I suddenly shouted because I felt like its false structure where moving and I was scared. Howevee, I really enjoyed those days and I see you were enjoying there as well. More beautiful moments to capture and have a wonderful day my dear friend.

Starfish is such a fascinating creature, isn´t it? :) Unfortunately, the one that I was holding was already dead and kind of fossilized, otherwhise I probably wouldn´t take it out of the water or maybe just for a very brief moment. It´s important not to keep live starfish out of the water for too long, it can actually kill them. Many people don´t know this unfortunately... Thanks for checking out my photos! :)

You always have great pictures as always. I am always amaze by your great skills in photography. It feels like I am in the real world traveling with where you are. Thanks for sharing a calming ambiance. You are most welcome and the pleasure is mine. !PIZZA

Village people are very honest and pure hearted. Going to such places gives one a lot of comfort. Overall your photography is awesome and amazing but third picture is my favorite in your photography. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks man :) Yeah, the blue starfish was amazing, it was the first time that I saw this particular species...

There's a place around my area which is full of crabs, I am always scared to go there because I am scared of crabs and the likes.
Were you not scared?

No I wasn´t scared. I actually love crustaceans and I even used to keep different species of crabs and crayfish as pets in my fishtank. I wonder what crabs live in your place. Maybe one day, you will be brave enough to check them out and take some pictures for me :D

Never ever have seen this beautiful sea creature this much closer, Thanks for bringing to our sight @phortun.

It was a pleasure to share these close ups with you guys :) Thanks for checking them out.

@tipu curate

Nádherné, nádherné!!🙏💙🇹🇿

Jo, nádhera kam se podíváš, i pod nohy do písku :D ;) :*

Mali by ste cestovat castejsie, kedze tieto posty ma bavia 🙂

Mna by urcite nikto nedostal na takuto prechadzku, lebo by som sa bala, ze pride priliv a nestihnem sa vratit. Ako slaba plavkyna radsej ostavam blizko pri plazi 🙂

Prajem pekne poobedie!

V tom případě je Zanzibar pro tebe úplně ideální, protože tam je ta voda pořád tak plytká, že i když je ten největší příliv, tak máš maximálně po pás vody :) No a když je odliv, tak můžeš jít i několik kilometrů přímo do oceánu a pořád máš jen po kolena :) Tohle jsem ještě fakt v žádném oceánu ani moři nezažil a že už jsme jich pár navštívili :)

Wuaoooo demasiado interesante estas criaturas marinas! La primera se ve espectacular con esos colores!

Eran realmente interesantes. Las criaturas marinas en realidad vienen muy a menudo en colores increíblemente vivos :) Gracias por tu visita, amiga!

😮😮😮😮 interesting especies!! they are soo colorfull and beautiful

Indeed! Nature in the tropics come in some incredible shapes and colors. Thanks for stopping by my friend!

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thanks for your support guys!

You have some interesting creatures here. My favorite is the first one, I love those colors.

Thank you! That´s my favorite too actually, that´s why I also used it as the thumbnail for this post :)

Nice.... You can come across so many cool and photogenic things on a beach, your collection her from Zanzibar are impressive, the Crab Claw is the standout for me, very artistic.

Thanks mate! I used to explore the beaches and look for all these cool creatures when I was a kid and obviously, I still love it :D The only difference is that now, I can have my phone (camera) with me :D

Krabíci jsou evolučně prý hodně úspěšným tvorem. Vyvinulo se jich několik nezávisle na sobě. Já z nich mám ale docela strach, jejich kleště se zavírají rychle a nepouští. Stačilo mi vidět video, jak jeden se sombrérem na hlavě v akváriu dostává párek --- radši bych je nepotkal.

No vidíš a já zase kraby (a korýše obecně) miluju a dřív jsem i různé druhy raků a krabů choval v akváriu :) Je celkem fascinující je pozorovat, zvlášť v jejich přirozeném prostředí...

Wow - these are amazing photos - I love these close-ups. I do not have a favorite but the crustacean claws are very colorful and I love the brown shell. The beach has a pink glow must be amazing to see with your own eyes.

Right, a lot of different shapes and colors to be found and admired on the beach if you are observant enough :) Thanks for swinging by!

The photos are so beautiful. There is so much to capture just from a walk around the beach. So colorful and very natural !

That´s right :) One just needs to be patient and observant. Thanks for checking out the photos!

Pěkné potvůrky jsi nafotil :-). Na ty "příbuzné" bych fakt šlápnout nechtěl.
za použití #aroundtheworld

Není ježek jako ježek :) Díky.


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I would be very careful while walking there :) Can anyone dive into the sea? I bet there are much more in the sea :)

I was careful, no worries :) Sure, snorkeling and scuba diving is very popular on Zanzibar. I would love to give it a try next time...

I love ocean walk and taking time to observe those beautiful tiny creatures. so adorable from shapes, colors, and their behavior are stunningly unique. We have lots of that kind of sea urchin and brittle star. Blue crabs are rare to find, perhaps because they are considered as good swimmers because it got the fifth legs that look like paddles. Thanks for sharing the richness of this ocean and for nice shots as always.

Thank you for this nice comment Franz, glad to know you are also a fan of these little curious creatures living on the beach and in the shallow sea waters :) It´s a fascinating miniature world down there, isn´t it?

Wait. Those lobster claws (or whatever animal they're from) cant be really that colourful right? That's painted by someone, especially the first photo right? If those are the real colours, that's crazy awesome!

It´s a crab (not lobster) and crabs can be incredibly colorful, look :)

Not my photo but I used to keep crayfish as pets in my fishtank and they were just as colorful, Mother Nature is a creative artist my friend :)

The colors that can be found on a beach there are incredible, some seem surreal, like the crab's claw, it looks like a work of art by some abstract artist. These photos you shared are wonderful.

Thanks for your kind comment, the claw was painted by a great artist indeed, by Mother Nature herself :)

Friend you said a fantastic thing, it's super true, there is no better artist than Mother Nature who gives us spectacular views every day with her works of art. Have a happy weekend ;).

Wow, so cool… the blue craps are stunning. I saw one in Guadeloupe but couldn’t get a proper capture of it as it was running away and hiding from rock to rock hahaha so I let it in piece and didn’t go further after it.
Didn’t know the difference was that big between the tides. Must be awesome to walk that far in…
Great captures @phortun 😊👋🏻 thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Heh, thanks for confirming my assumption that the blue crabs live on the rocky bottom :) Jelly that you did see some though :D Oh yeah, the tide is just incredible on Zanzibar. I will show you exactly what is going on there in some of my future posts :) Have a great day, no matter where you are right now!

You are welcome 😎 most crabs 🦀 do… I thought.
Oh that’s cool, will be looking out for it 😎 thanks @phortun 😁
Have a great day too, I will enjoy it fully… you do the same.

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Nice photography 🤩

Thanks :)

Those are some strange and fascinating animals you've found!

Thanks for checking them out :)

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Hola @phortun. Nunca es tarde para llegar y apreciar otra publicación con fotografías geniales de Zanzibar, solo basta cerrar los ojos para imaginarse caminando por ese mar sin profundidad y explorando la vida marina. La variedad de crustáceos que muestras es muy llamativa, son muy interesantes y algunos hasta terroríficos. El más tierno es la estrella en la mano, con ese color azul que nos encanta 💙 Gracias por este regalo visual, saludos.

Tu publicación ha recibido un voto de parte de "Autismo: Un Mundo Excepcional" ahora con presencia en HIVE, gracias a su Proyecto @mundo.autismo.


Hello @phortun. It's never too late to come and appreciate another publication with great pictures of Zanzibar, just close your eyes and imagine yourself walking through that shallow sea and exploring the marine life. The variety of crustaceans you show is very striking, they are very interesting and some even terrifying. The most tender is the star in the hand, with that blue color that we love 💙 Thanks for this visual gift, greetings.

Your post has received a vote from "Autism: An Exceptional World " now with a presence in HIVE, thanks to their Project @mundo.autismo.

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Thank you very much guys, always a pleasure to have you stopping by and checking out my content :) Saludos!

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Yay, thanks for the badge guys! :) Always fun to join the HPUD.

Congratulations on participating in the PUD @phortun. 💪🐝