Make-up for the next cover! ;9 ENG/ ESP

in #hive-1470102 years ago


First of all...
OMG ! my last post got 500+ likes !!!!


thank you so much to those who liked uwu, thanks for always supporting me twt
I will leave links to my other recent posts nwn if you want to read something different.
Digital NFT illustration- Sailor uranus
BESTO COSPLAY EVER C: unboxing, click here to see some hotdogs lamao
Illustration of a tarot card- WANDS [Esp][Eng]


Make-up for the next cover!?


That's right guys

as the title says, today I was doing the makeup for the video of the next cover, I will be editing the video between today and tomorrow, so probably tomorrow Sunday or Monday you will be able to hear a new song!


well, this isn't exactly a tutorial, but it's my step by step o3o....

If you are a learner, it will fit you like a glove, because you won't need a lot of stuff C:

with that said here are the products I used:

Maquillaje para el siguiente cover!

Asi es chicos como dice el titulo, hoy estuve haciendo el maquillaje para el video del siguiente cover, estare editando el video entre hoy y mañana, asi que probablemente mañana domingo o el lunes podran escuchar una nueva cancion!

C: bien, esto no es exactamente un tutorial, pero es mi paso a paso o3o...

Si eres un aprendiz, te va como anillo al dedo, porque no necesitaras muchas cosas C:

con eso dicho aqui van los productos que utilicé:



  • Athena makeup palette,

  • Green foundation C: (because I have dark circles under my eyes LOL and I prefer to cover them).

  • Powder of my skin tone,

  • Black liquid eyeliner XD (the cheapest on the market and the one that worked best for me LOL),

  • Eyeshadow palette (hmm I will only need the red color),

  • Two makeup brushes C:

Paleta de maquillaje athena, base de color verde C: (porque tengo ojeras LOL y prefiero cubrirlas)
polvo de mi tono de piel, delineador liquido negro XD el mas barato del mercado y el que mejor me ha funcionado LOL, paleta de sombras hmm solo necesitare el color rojo, dos brochas de maquillaje C:


Moisturize and unify.

Before applying any makeup product on your face you should ideally have a skin care routine where you apply eye contour and moisturizers according to your skin type C:, my skin type is: mixed, so I usually use products on specific areas of my face.

Antes de aplicar cualquier producto de maquillaje en tu cara lo ideal es que tengas una rutina de cuidado de tu piel, en donde apliques contorno de ojos y cremas hidratantes segun tu tipo de piel C:, mi tipo de piel es: mixta, asi que usualmente utilizo productos en areas especificas de mi cara.


  • After moisturizing your face you can apply a foundation of your choice and seal with loose powder C: that way, products like blushes and eyeshadows can adhere better.
  • Luego de humectar tu cara puedes aplicar una base de tu gusto y sellar con polvos sueltos C: de esa manera, los productos como rubores y sombras podran adherirse mejor.


  • The second thing I did was to make the hearts with the atena makeup palette, it works perfectly as a base for eyeshadows C:, being oil based you can apply the colors as lipsticks. the theory is that this palette is used for bodypaint. it doesn't seem to me that it works perfectly, especially because after applying you have to seal the product, and it feels very heavy on the skin if you plan to do an artistic makeup, it is more resistant to sweat and water. with that said, i would prefer the water based palettes... the downside is that they tend to wash off much faster and if you sweat it's a game over.
  • Lo segundo que hice fue hacer los corazones con la paleta de maquillaje atena, sirve perfectamente como base para sombras C:, al ser a base de aceite puedes aplicar los colores como labiales. el teoria esta paleta es usada para el bodypaint. no me parece que sirva perfectamente, sobre todo porque despues de aplicar hay que sellar el producto, y se siente muy pesado en la piel si lo que planeas es hacer un maquillaje artistico, eso si, es mas resistente al sudor y el agua. con eso dicho, preferiria las paletas a base de agua.. el contra es que tienden a lavarse mucho mas rapido y si sudas es un game over.
  • I painted my lips with the same red pigment from the athena palette and applied eyeshadow to give it a blurred look C:
  • pinté mis labios con el mismo pigmento rojo de la paleta athena. y aplique sombra de ojos para darle una sensacion de difuminado C:


  • my favorite part is the eyeliner, i didn't get good false eyelashes, so i used the eyeliner to make my eyes look bigger, since i have droopy eyelids. XD I always look sleepy.

I did some freeform, of course... scared XD because .... ruining the eyeliner would be... doing it all over again.

  • mi parte favorita es el delineado, no he conseguido unas buenas pestañas postizas, asi que ocupe el delineado para hacer ver mis ojos mas grandes, ya que tengo los parpados caidos. XD siempre me veo con sueño.

hice algunas formas libres, claro... con miedo XD porque .... arruinar el delineado seria... volver a hacer todo de nuevo.

Below uwu some nice pictures i took


  • i forgot to mention that i made use of decorative stones C: the kind they sell for nails, they are literally good for everything, but this last step is completely optional. i used eyelash glue to adhere them.
  • olvide mencionar que hice uso de piedras decorativas C: de esas que venden para las uñas, literalmente sirven para todo, pero este ultimo paso es completamente opcional. utilicé pega de pestañas para adherirlas




Thanks for reading uwu, I hope this post will help someone to venture into the world of makeup


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Whoa! love it!

uwu thank u kwammm

Que linda, tanto el maquillaje como las poses en las fotos, me gusto ver tu creatividad hecho color, esa paleta de colores esta genial

aah!!! garcias uwu

Am not much of a make-up person, but I must say this was good and very easy. I like them

yeah! its good to do something easy from time to time