Miguel se detuvo a mirar a los saltimbanquis, la distracción fue tal que no noto cuando su mamá se alejó de él.
Mamá viste a los saltimbanquis dice el niño buscando el rostro de su madre, al percatarse de su ausencia una sensación de angustia y miedo empezó a recorrerle el cuerpo.
Con su rostro compungido y desperado comienza a buscarla por todos lados, pero no la encuentra, no la halla por ningún lugar, la llama a gritos sin conseguir respuesta.
Una anciana se le acerca y le pregunta ¿niño te has perdido?, porque te puedo ayudar.
Miguel toma la mano de la anciana y se deja guiar, lo conduce por un camino colmado de pequeñas flores que el niño no para de admirar, poco a poco va cesando de llorar, ahora sus ojos están claro y puede ver donde está su mamá.
Miguel stopped to look at the jumpers, the distraction was such that he didn't notice when his mother walked away from him.
"Mom sees the mountebanks," says the boy looking for his mother's face, realizing her absence, a feeling of anguish and fear began to run through his body.
With his face full of compunction and awakened, he begins to look for her everywhere, but he can't find her, he can't find her anywhere, he calls out to her without getting an answer.
An old woman comes, up to him and asks him, "Child, are you lost because I can help you".
Miguel takes the old woman's hand and lets himself be guided, she leads him through a path full of small flowers that the boy can't stop admiring, little by little he stops crying now his eyes are clear, and he can see where his mother is.
Este relato es en respuesta a la invitación realizada por @saulos a participar en un Extraño Concurso.
This story is in response to the invitation made by @saulos
to participate in a Strange Contest.
El separador pertenece a//The separator belongs to #stockimages
La imagen de portada es de mi autoría//The cover image is my own