On marking and celebrating of the Valentine's Day; On making love and friendship everywhere!

in #hive-1484412 years ago


You know, everyone that is honest and a properly human is wonderful to be in love with, and they are also friends. The Valentine's Day is on 14 February, and it it marked as a lovely day, and a day where we put free and lovely love in focus, and this is both with doing sexuality, and not doing anything, and we are free to do what we want in the life, but the better we are doing the life, the more respect and admire we get, and being updated and hanging on, that is nice values in life, and sometimes everybody cries around us.

Many people give cards, letters, flowers and present to their lovely spouse or partner, and this is how we organize the day, and we can do whatever action we want, and the only requirement is that we can connect it to love. And love can be a relation with everyone from different parts of the earth, and we have enough countries to find our partner, of all countries that are present and there to any time. Some people also are using the day to organize any meal and have a romantic evening, and some are even giving away a stay in the hotel during the night. And some people are giving each other flowers and red roses, and hearts and cupido. And in some countries, we are finding elephants and dancing between men and women, and these things are marking that there is something romantic between the couples or the pairs and we are many people liking these issues. You know, the greatest of all things are love, and we are free to have as many children as we want, and the world is open for any child, and the child is the most fantastic and the greatest thing of all things that are coming to the world, being in the world, and dying in the world.

So, the opportunities we are getting many places are due to our competence and our experiences, and the experiences we have in sale and in marketing, is worth the gold medal many places, and you just pick up a phone and give and receive a message, or we can just meet the customer face to face, and this is the way we are making it in business, and many brands with and without brand images are nice to see, and imaginations that are something we can make or delete of all things that are coming to the surface in the world.

The Valentine's Day is probably coming from the Romans, and they wanted to use the day to mark the fertility, and we know that love and appreciation are good things to remember and to mark with the day just as the day is coming, and probably we can answer why the day is like it is, and probably we cannot. And you know, we should make the day a lovely and pleasant day, and all kinds of love between humans are acceptable, and we should also love the animals being engaged with appreciating each other, and sexuality is something that is perfect and deep into our bodies.

We are free to love whom we like at the earth, and we can do whatever moves that we appreciate and think acceptable when being here, and life is just to perceive or to be perceived, and we are loving ladies and men coming from different places around the globe, and we are free to have which clothes that we like, and in the human nature in the nature we are all naked, and we are just operating at the same places and at the different places when being inside and outside the building, and we are free to do what we want, and everything should be regarded as sensible, and we should put humor to it, and you know, maybe we must hate some people for the rest of the whole life, and we cannot agree that people are putting us in wrong cases when perceiving what life is about.

So, we should have equality between the genders for equal opportunities, and we are free to work where we are working, and we should fill the working tasks with content and with structure, and we should meet the expectations when coming to the requirements that we perceive from the employer in question and the stakeholders.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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