It is possible to be successful in life only by working hard

in #hive-1484412 years ago


Hello friends,
How is everyone? Hope everybody is doing very well and healthy. I'm fine too.

It is possible to be successful in any task in life only by working hard. I am sharing such a story with you today. I hope you like it.

One was a crow. The crow was very hungry. He went out in search of food. He flew a long way but could not find any food. Still, he kept trying. Once upon a time, the crow got very thirsty while flying. He looked around but could not find water anywhere. Then he started flying again.

Suddenly a pitcher fell in front of his eyes as he flew away. The crow was very happy to see the pitcher. He flew away and sat on the pitcher. He looked inside the jug and saw that the water was under the jug. After that he tried to drink water from inside the jug but to no avail. Because he could not reach the water inside the jug.

Then the crow tried to tilt the pitcher but failed again. He did not drink water. He was very tired. Then he looked around and he saw a few small stones. He wondered for a long time what could be done. Then an idea came to his head.

The crow flew away, carrying small stones with its beak, and began to throw them into the jug. After throwing a few stones in this way, the crow saw that the water had risen a lot. Then the crow was so happy that he again threw a few more stones inside the jug. In this way, until the water came up in the mouth of the pitcher, the crows started throwing stones inside the pitcher.

Finally water came up in the mouth of the pitcher. The crow was very happy and drank water wholeheartedly. Then his thirst quenched. The crow flew happily. He flew towards his sister again.

In the end, we can say that the crow used his intellect and worked hard so he was able to drink water. In the same way, if people spend a little intellect and keep trying and work hard, then it is possible to succeed in any endeavor. In order to be successful in any endeavor, one must work patiently and work hard, then success is possible.

So friends, I am saying goodbye here like today. Many, many thanks to everyone for reading my post. And if there is any mistake, then you must look at it with forgiveness.

Stay well and stay healthy. Goodbye friends.