[Esp-Eng] ᴜɴ ᴅíᴀ ᴅᴇ ᴛʀᴀʙᴀᴊᴏ ᴇɴ ʟᴀ ᴠɪᴅᴀ ᴅᴇ ᴜɴᴀ ᴍᴀǫᴜɪʟʟᴀᴅᴏʀᴀ|ᴀ ᴅᴀʏ's ᴡᴏʀᴋ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪғᴇ ᴏғ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ ᴀʀᴛɪsᴛ

in #hive-1484413 years ago

Hola hermosa gente de hive, hoy les cuento lo que fue mi día viernes 24 de febrero del 2022, el cual fue un día bien complicado para mí. Pero como siempre les digo nada es imposible y todo se puede lograr.

Hello beautiful people of hive, today I tell you what was my day Friday February 24, 2022, which was a very complicated day for me. But as I always tell you nothing is impossible and everything can be achieved.


¡Bienvenidos! ¡Welcome.gif

Comenzando el día, a la 5:00 AM tuve a mi primera clienta, la chica iba a presentar su tesis de grado y nunca se había maquillado de manera profesional por lo que está vez, en un día especial, quería intentarlo.

Starting the day, at 5:00 AM I had my first client, the girl was going to present her thesis and she had never had her makeup done professionally so this time, on a special day, I wanted to try it.


Este fue el resultado, un maquillaje en tonos nude, delineado para párpado encapotado. Y un trabajo de piel que a mí parecer quedo hermoso, cubrimos muy bien sus ojeras y ella feliz ☺️

This was the result, a makeup in nude tones, eyeliner for eyelid hooding. And a skin job that in my opinion was beautiful, we covered her dark circles very well and she was happy ☺️


Llegada las 7:30 AM tuve que ir a la universidad a mis laboratorio estaba muy emocionada, desde la pandemia no hemos visitado las instalaciones y además remodelaron los espacios. Extrañaba esa parte de mi, no solamente tengo pasión al mundo de la belleza, también hay una Leidy que ama su carrera y que es una totalmente distinta dónde le gusta mucho aprender y ser un poco nerd jajaj

Arriving at 7:30 AM I had to go to the university to my labs, I was very excited, since the pandemic we have not visited the facilities and also they remodeled the spaces. I missed that part of me, not only I have a passion for the world of beauty, there is also a Leidy who loves her career and is a totally different one where she loves to learn and be a little nerdy hahahah.


Por un momento tomé un break ya que después de la universidad tenía cita de cejas y otra de maquillaje, por lo que tenía que tomar un respiro jajaja. Aunque no lo crean no me gusta el café, pero los de mi universidad son la excepción para mí.

For a moment I took a break because after college I had an eyebrow appointment and a makeup appointment, so I had to take a break hahaha. Believe it or not I don't like coffee, but the ones at my university are the exception for me.


Cumplí con mi cita de cejas y díganme ¿si no quedaron hermosas? De verdad que amo mucho mi trabajo. Si se encuentran ubicadas en Caracas y quieren unas cejas hermosas pueden agendar por mi Instagram @ leidyromero.studio

I kept my eyebrow appointment and tell me if they were not beautiful? I really love my job. If you are located in Caracas and want beautiful eyebrows you can schedule through my Instagram @ leidyromero.studio


Luego vino el maquillaje artístico, me encantó, amo los colores neón

Then came the make-up artistry, I loved it, I love the neon colors.


Tome otro break jajaja, y fui a una reunión con unas amigas. Necesitaba desestresarme un poco jajaja

I took another break hahaha, and went to a meeting with some friends. I needed to de-stress a little hahaha.


Llegando las 8:30 pm tuve que ir a echar gasolina al carro de mi papá y bueno eso es un tema acá en Venezuela que lo pueden buscar por internet ☺️

Arriving at 8:30 pm I had to get gas for my dad's car and well that is a topic here in Venezuela that you can look up on the internet ☺️

Llegué a casa casi 11:00 pm y no aguantaba mi cuerpo jajaja por lo que me bañe y solo me acosté. Aún así todo valió la pena, pude realizar todo lo planeado y bueno si funcionó mi organización jajaja

I got home almost 11:00 pm and I couldn't stand my body hahaha so I took a bath and just went to bed. Still it was all worth it, I was able to do everything I had planned and it worked out hahaha.

Recuerden que nada es imposible, los límites los colocas tu♥️ nos vemos en un próximo post

Remember that nothing is impossible, the limits are set by you♥️ see you in a future post

¡Gracias por leer, te espero pronto!.gif

Gifs made on canva.com
Translator DeepL.com
Photos of my property until proven otherwise


you look very happy with where you work 😃 i find makeup in general complex but to actually have a profession focused on it is very interesting and requires such creativeness, thank you for sharing about something amazing! 😊

Thank you very much for commenting and reading. Really this is something that I like and I enjoy it, if you have your disadvantages but as you say doing something you are passionate about stops being work, and I hope in the future to achieve more things ✨.