My life during and after Covid-19. Getting back to normal.๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜Œโ˜บ๏ธ /// Mi vida durante y despuรฉs del Covid-19. Volviendo a la normalidad.๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜Œโ˜บ๏ธ

in #hive-148441 โ€ข 2 years ago


_______________ ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ท /// ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿค— _______________

Hello my wonderful friends of the Hive Blog universe, Kind regards. I hope this new day is filled with success and blessings for all. Today I want to dedicate this post to what was my life during the Coronavirus Pandemic, how I endured that difficult stage that lasted about two years, how it affected me physically and psychologically, and how little by little I have been resuming my life and my daily activities. Welcome to my Blog.

Hola mis maravillosos amigos del universo Hive Blog, Saludos cordiales. Espero que este nuevo dรญa este colmado de รฉxitos y bendiciones para todos. Hoy quiero dedicar รฉste post a lo que fuรฉ mi vida durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus, como sobrelleve esa difรญcil etapa que durรณ aproximadamente dos aรฑos, como me afectรณ fรญsica y psicolรณgicamente, y cรณmo poco a poco e ido retomando mi vida y mis actividades cotidianas. Bienvenidos a mi Blog.


When the Pandemic arrived๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ฃ.

Everything was very surprising, although I was aware of the seriousness of the situation regarding this terrible disease, I never thought it would come so soon to my country, nor that I would have to live in the flesh the ravages of Covid-19. In December 2019 I was sharing pleasant moments with all my family and friends, I enjoyed a pleasant Christmas, and from one moment to another Covid-19 took over the news, social networks, newspapers and all that was commented in the streets of my city was: How long will it take for Covid-19 to arrive in Venezuela? Unfortunately our reality was cruder than we thought. In March 2021 the Coronavirus was already in all Venezuela, they decreed mandatory and preventive quarantine throughout the country and with this, the reality changed for everyone. The lives of many took a 180ยฐ turn, all those people who were used to living more time in the streets than in their own homes experienced the confinement as a very drastic change in their routines. I was not exempt from this new reality. With the arrival of Covid-19, I came into confinement in my home. All of us trying to take care of ourselves and the health of our loved ones. Going out only when it was strictly necessary and staying in the street very little time. The measures implemented in my city limited our lives completely. Spending so much time locked up without being able to work or have the opportunity to recreate outside the home was a hard blow to me and my whole family. We spent many months without being able to see our relatives, even though we were in the same city. Being away from our loved ones for so long was perhaps the hardest thing we had to live through during the Pandemic.

Cuando llegรณ la Pandemia๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ฃ.

Todo fuรฉ muy sorpresivo, aunque estaba conciente de la gravedad de la situaciรณn referente a esta terrible enfermedad, no pensรฉ jamรกs que llegarรญa tan pronto a mi paรญs, ni que me tocarรญa vivir en carne propia los destragos del Covid-19. En Diciembre del 2019 estuve compartiendo gratos momentos con toda mi familia y amigos, disfrute unas agradebles navidades, y de un momento a otro el Covid-19 se apoderรณ de las noticias, de las redes sociales, de los periรณdicos y todo lo que se comentaba en las calles de mi ciudad era: ยฟCuรกnto tiempo tardarรก en llegar el Covid-19 a Venezuela? Lamentablemente nuestra realidad era mรกs cruda de lo que pensรกbamos. En Marzo del aรฑo 2021 ya el Coronavirus estaba en toda Venezuela, decretaron cuarentena obligatoria y preventiva en todo el paรญs y con รฉsto, cambio la realidad de todos. La vida de muchos diรณ un giro de 180ยฐ todas esas personas que vivian acostumbradas a estar mas tiempo en la calle que en sus propias casas experimentaron el encierro como un cambio muy drรกstico en sus rutinas. Yo no estuve excenta de esa nueva realidad. Con la llegada del Covid-19, llego en confinamiento a mi hogar. Todos intentando cuidarnos y cuidar la salud de los nuestros. Saliendo sรณlo cuando era estrictamente necesario y permaneciendo en la calle muy poco tiempo. Las medidas que implementaron en mi ciudad nos limitaban nuestras vidas completamente. El pasar tanto tiempo encerrados sin poder trabajar, ni tener la oportunidad de recrearnos fuera del hogar fuรฉ un golpe duro para mรญ y toda mi familia. Pasamos muchos meses sin poder ver a nuestros parientes, a pesar de estar en la misma Ciudad. El permanecer alejados de nuestros seres queridos por tanto tiempo fuรฉ quizรกs lo mรกs difรญcil que nos tocรณ vivir durante la Pandemia.


During the pandemic๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜ท.

It took many months of confinement before the city authorities employed the method of one week of forty, and one week of apparent normalcy. That means that we spent one week in lockdown and the following week we could return to our daily activities. This method also lasted many months, and even with the prevention we had, despite all the care we had, unfortunately many family members were infected, and in the midst of the anguish also touched me, were the most difficult moments of my life.

I became ill with Covid-19 at a time when everything was more relaxed, the prevention measures implemented by the government were softer, but the disease was still present. Now with new variants more serious and contagious than the first one, we were all alert to the possibility of a new indefinite confinement. Fortunately this disease did not affect me to a great extent, my great fear was to end up hospitalized and away from my family, since I am asthmatic, but to my joy, I was an asymptomatic patient. I did not experience the strongest and most delicate symptoms of Coronavirus. 20 days later I was recovered and my family members also managed to overcome the Covid-19 infection. Unfortunately many friends and acquaintances did not manage to overcome the disease. I saw with sadness how many people I knew in my city, in my work, in my community died because of Covid. It was not easy to live through those moments. Losing a loved one without even being able to say goodbye in the traditional way was a blow from which many have not been able to recover.

Durante la Pandemia๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜ท.

Transcurrieron muchos meses de encierro, antes de que las autoridades de la ciudad emplearan el mรฉtodo de una semana de cuarenta, y una semana de aparente normalidad. Eso quiere decir que pasรกbamos una semana encerrados y la siguiente Semana podรญamos reincorporamos a nuestras actividades cotidianas. Este mรฉtodo tambiรฉn durรณ muchos meses, y aรบn con la prevenciรณn que tuvimos, a pesar de todos los cuidados que tuvimos, lamentablemente muchos familiares se contagiaron, y en medio de la angustia tambiรฉn me tocรณ a mรญ, fueron los momentos mรกs difรญciles de mi Vida.

Enfermarme de Covid-19 en una etapa donde todo estaba mรกs relajado, las medidas de prevenciรณn que implemento el gobierno ya estaban mรกs suaves, pero la enfermedad seguรญa presente. Ahora con nuevas variantes mรกs graves y contagiosas que la primera, todos estรกbamos alertas ante la posibilidad de un nuevo confinamiento indefinido. Afortunadamente esta enfermedad no me afectรณ en gran medida, mi gran temor era terminar hospitalizada y alejada de mi familia, ya que soy asmรกtica, pero para mi dicha, fuรญ una paciente asintomรกtica. No experimente los sรญntomas mรกs fuertes y delicados del Coronavirus. 20 dรญas despuรฉs ya estaba recuperada y mis familiares tambien lograron vencer el contagio del Covid-19. Lamentablemente muchos amigos y conocidos no lograron superar la enfermedad. Vi con tristeza como muchas personas que conocรญ en mi ciudad, en mi trabajo, en mi Comunidad morรญan a causa del Covid. No fue nada facil vivir esos momentos. Perder un ser querido sin poder siquiera tener la posibilidad de despedirlo de la manera tradicional fue un golpe del que muchos no han logrado recuperarse.





Getting back to normalityโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

Time has passed, we hardly hear about Covid-19 anymore, everything is returning to normal, schools, businesses, stores, supermarkets are open again, we can resume the life we had before the Coronavirus. My return to work was gradual, I was able to organize my schedule again and little by little I have been able to integrate back to my daily activities, like all my colleagues, it has not been an easy process, again we have to get used to and create the routine of work and study. The children may have had a little more difficulty when they returned to the classroom, but they were soon able to resume the rhythm of their studies. Today life in the streets of my city is very active, we can see many people in the avenues, markets, squares, recreational centers and institutions. We can still see people with their masks and masks to protect themselves, but now with more social development. Today I am very grateful to be able to continue sharing and enjoying my loved ones, my family who are my engine and my pillar, this terrible disease affected us all in different ways but fortunately we managed to overcome this test in our lives.

Regresando a la normalidadโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

El tiempo ha pasado, ya casi no escuchamos hablar del Covid-19, todo estรก regresando a la normalidad, ya las escuelas, los negocios, las tiendas, los supermercados estรกn abiertos nuevamente, ya podemos retomar la vida que tenรญamos antes del Coronavirus. Mi regreso a la vida laboral fue paulatina, pude organizar nuevamente mis horarios y poco a poco he logrado integrarme de nuevo a mis actividades diarias, al igual que todos mis compaรฑeros, no ha sido un proceso sencillo, otra vez tenemos que acostumbrarnos y crear la rutina del trabajo y estudio. Los niรฑos quizรกs tuvieron un poco mรกs de dificultad al regreso de las clases presenciales, pero pronto pudieron retomar el ritmo de los estudios. Hoy en dรญa la vida en las calles de mi ciudad es muy activa, podemos apreciar mucha gente en las avenidas, mercados, plazas, centros recreativos e Instituciones. Aun se observan personas con sus cubrebocas y mascarillas para protegerse, pero ya con mรกs desenvolvimiento social. Hoy agradezco mucho el poder seguir compartiendo y disfrutando de mis seres queridos, mi familia que son mi motor y mi pilar, esta terrible enfermedad nos afectรณ a todos de diversas formas pero afortunadamente logramos superar esta prueba en nuestras vidas.



Well my dear readers, this was my post today. I hope that by reading these lines, you feel identified with all that we had to live in that time of social estrangement. Thank you for visiting my Blog and for the support you have given me through your votes and comments, I say goodbye and I hope to be back with you very soon, I love you ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

Bueno mis apreciados lectores, รฉste fuรฉ mi post del dรญa de hoy. Espero que al leer estas lรญneas, se sientan identificados con todo lo que tuvimos que vivir en esa รฉpoca de distanciamiento social. Gracias por visitar mi Blog y por el apoyo que me han dado a travรฉs de sus votos y comentarios, me despido y espero estar de vuelta con ustedes muy pronto, se les quiere bonito ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ


Original and Exclusive Content for Hive Blog. All photos are my own and were taken at different times during and after Covid-19.

Contenido Original y Exclusivo para Hive Blog. Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas en distintos momentos durante y despuรฉs de la รฉpoca del Covid-19.

Translator DeepL. / Traductor DeepL.

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