Concentration is mental process through which we voluntarily focus all our attention to obtain the best possible result of what we are doing.
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It is important to learn to develop this attitude to the maximum to the point of turning it into a habit, therefore, we must eliminate from our life everything that disperses our conversation. Here I am going to tell you exactly what types of things steal your attention and impede your ability to concentrate.
Spending too much time on leisure: for example, social networks. If you are not getting profit from spending hours and hours on your social networks, then you are wasting your time and your ability to focus on what you want to achieve.
Depression: While it is true that no one wants to be depressed, when we fall into this type of feelings our ability to concentrate is reduced to the maximum as we are wrapped in negativity and heaviness which leaves no room for anything other than complaints and sadness.
Not getting enough sleep: Obvious mental fatigue translates into lack of concentration.
Leaving more than one tab open on the desktop: with this action we are distracted from what we should really be focused on. Try to leave open only those that you are really working with or that are related to what you are doing.
Activate all phone or PC notifications: If you are one of those who keep all notifications active every time a notification rings, no matter how insignificant it may be, you will be tempted to check who or what the incoming message is about, so the loss of time and concentration will be visible.
Poor nutrition: nothing like being hungry and having to perform an activity, it is almost impossible to concentrate feeling your stomach empty or on the contrary, too full. Eat healthier and at least one hour before doing your activity.
Checking your phone all the time: Just like social networks, the excessive use of this device will make us lose our precious time and concentration.
Status anxiety: When we are worried about "do I look good? what will they think of me? will they like me? it is very difficult to study or concentrate when you spend your time thinking about what others think of you or your outfit.
Watching pornography: Excessive consumption of this type of material causes a stimulation in the right lobe of the brain where the neuronal tissue related to intelligence is located, therefore, by reducing it, it affects functions such as learning and memory.
Alcohol: Interferes directly with brain communication affecting numerous neurotransmitters and their receptors producing alterations in memory and its functions such as comprehension, learning and related to calculations.
So stop worrying because you are not concentrating and start taking care of yourself. Eliminate these bad habits and start making the most of every day of your life, focus on reaching your goal and you will see satisfactory results that will lead you to live a fuller life.