I sat down today, and I asked myself what is the real purpose of making wealth personally. As a hustler, it is easy to think of making money for the purpose of buying cars, building houses, making riches and keeping a large inheritance for my children. These things are good no doubt, and everyone deserves to have the best live that exist but then, when I look around me, I see that I have a different purpose.
When I took the image below, I took it with my Samsung S22 Ultra, and it was a very rough shot because I took it when we were discussing this particular topic. I asked my friend what he thinks he would eat on a normal day, and while he kept on counting, he got to a point where he realized that he was only going to stuff himself if he ate his entire mention in a day, and that was where I came in.
For instance, a bottle of Coca-cola which he was holding was enough for me for an entire morning, provided I have it with any snack, no matter how little it is. With this thought, I made him understand that as an individual, there is little we need money for when it comes to our personal lives but then we actually do not live for ourselves alone, and if anyone has a purpose, then that purpose isn't meant to be a personal one because it will be affecting lots of lives.
There is little I consume in a day, but there is a lot I need to do for my community and people around myself. It will give me joy to see that the child who parents can't afford to send him to school gets good education. You might wonder how possible it is for children not to have access to education but trust me when I say that in third world countries, education is luxury and you would first think of feeding before the thought of education.
I don't know your thoughts, but I just believe in this school of though that if you have the mindset of being successful for yourself alone, then you aren't going to be successful at all. Owning a company isn't a personal ambition because you are getting people employed, and so should be other things a person do. The reality is that we actually live for other more than ourselves. We live for our family, children, siblings, but that's not all, we should live to make impact in the lives of people who aren't close to us but we can stretch our hands of support to.
While Christmas is traditionally seen as a season of sharing love, I advocate for extending this spirit beyond the festive period. Personally, my life finds meaning in positively impacting the lives of others, and I believe true happiness lies in living a life that leaves a lasting, positive imprint on the world.