No words could certainly express the most heartbreaking sound of grief in my existence. Perhaps this year has been the toughest and all I want is to mourn until a darkest cloud reflects a touch of a golden time with tenderness and til a splendid rainbow chases me once more.
As the saying goes…
“Every cloud has a silver lining.”
Even the darkest cloud loudly speaks that life must go on and on despite misery and hopelessness. No matter how very painful and heartbreaking it is, I would try to stand up once more little by little for you my dearest sister, Erika. I just wish that this too, shall pass with a greater hope for comfort and peace.
E-very memory of you
V-ividly flashes to my mind
E-very single day as I
R-emember timely
Y-our beautiful face.
C-an I hug you once again?
L-et me cry
O-ut loud with
U-tmost warmth as I feel that your
D-eath is really very heartbreaking.
H-ow and where do I start?
A-ngels sing beautifully and
S-urely you are one of them.
A-midst a tragic and traumatic incident,
l- will believe that every cloud has a silver
L-ining and that a hopeful aspect in a
V-ariety of situations will come after
E-xperiencing an adverse event as I
R-establish my life with a brightest hope.
L-et me tell you
I- love you
N-ow that you are gone,
I- will always miss yesterday and
N-ow I know I need you but you are
G-one in a blink of an eye.
Every cloud has a silver lining but my life will never be the same without you my dearest sister, Erika.
And now, I am really missing you very much. I cannot hold back my tears from falling and all I want is to cry and cry until it hurts no more. Life is so unpredictable. I will never know when but let me die a little inside and come back to life at the most perfect time.
I always long for your presence every single day. How I wish I could have the chance to hold you and surely I would hug you tightly.
If only you could have stayed with me a little longer.
If only I could bring back time. If only, but I cannot.
I see you in every magnificent clouds with a brightest smile.
I-really long for your presence.
L-ife will never be the same without you
O-ver the years on the
V-erge of giving up
E-rika you were my catalyst.
Y-ou never failed to love me with an
O-de of love, care, respect, and
U-nderstanding through thick and thin.
E-very day, I love you
R-ekindle my spirit through hope but
I-wish you never had to go,
K-now that I love you so much
A-nd never should have gone in my sight.
You will never be forgotten. You will be missed forever. You will always be in my solitary heart until infinity and beyond, my dearest sister @erikasue
Perhaps every cloud has a silver lining but my life will never be the same without you 😭😭😭💔💔💔
Disclaimer: All images and texts are my own, unless otherwise stated.