Happiness : A free gift

in #hive-14844110 days ago


Happiness which is an emotion of being happy or joyful is a free gift of God and it's a catalyst that makes life to be in a better shape. Though, life is full of ups and downs and will not even give you what you desire or deserve, but happiness is the key to living a fulfilled life. Without happiness, life will be miserable. Like the scripture says, " a happy heart is like a honey comb." Yes, this is just the simple truth about happiness. A happy heart will always flourish and glow, but when one is not happy, life becomes a graveyard for such a soul. What do I mean by this, when one is not happy, that person becomes a living dead and death is not far fetch from such a person. It's only a happy heart that lives long.

One thing I strongly believe in is that happiness is a pill that nourishes the soul, spirit and body. It's a natural pill that enhances long life and it gives hope where and when all hope fades. When one is happy, sickness and disease flee, this means, sickness and disease cannot behold happiness, apart from this, anxiety and all other things that can affect one's health both mentally and physically cannot withstand happiness. It's unhappiness that brings about frustration, depression, anxiety and all other forms of ailment.

But one thing about life in general is that it will not give you your deserved happiness. What this means is that nothing will make you happy in this life and it's now left for you to choose the route you want to thread, maybe that of happiness that will give you long life or that of which will cut your life short which is unhappiness. This decision is free. Still talking about life, if one should put all the anxiety of life in his or her heart, seriously, happiness will not have a space in one's life. Nobody is the custodian of your happiness neither mine. Nothing is worth your happiness. Your happiness is in your hand and you are the only custodian of your happiness.

This happiness we are talking about doesn't have anything with age, status, gender and so on. It is not even educational based. It's natural. Though unhappiness too is natural, but we have to choose right. Do you see people committing suicide and cutting their life short, it's as a result of them replacing happiness with unhappiness. I used to wonder that this life is full of battle and as you are winning some, another you're losing and one thing about this battle of life is that you can't finish fighting it. It's when one is dead that one is free from the battle of life. So, why don't you take everything light and commit everything to your creator who can fight the battle for you. Don't let the battle of life kill you and cut your life short through unhappiness. Make yourself happy even if you are nobody.

Like I said earlier, happiness doesn't have anything to do with whether you are rich or poor or whether you are literate or otherwise. It's a free gift of nature from God. There's neither season nor time for happiness. You are the only factor for your happiness. Sometimes ago, I met with a woman who just lost her husband and she was feeling bad just because of the loss, she could not bear the loss and as a result she fell into depression and later died due to unhappiness and the fear of the unknown of what would become of her and her children, what they would eat and drink was at the center of her sickness and eventual death. So, she died of unhappiness and the fear of the unknown. So, at her burial, her first son was being encouraged to be strong and stays happy and whenever you see this boy, he was always full of life and happiness and with this, he carried the responsibility his parents were not able to carry with happiness and faith and at the end he was able to succeed in sending her younger ones to school and all of them are now successful in their chosen field. So,.I called him and asked him of how he did it. When I asked him, he laughed and said, "boss, there's nothing hard in life, he said he was able to achieve all he achieved because of his happiness and faith." I was so happy for him. He said he too would have died if he had habour sadness in his heart and would not have been able to take care of his younger ones left behind by his parents which would have been a total disaster to his generation. So, happiness is a catalyst to making it in life, not only that, it is also a means to living long life. So, my friend, choose to be happy at all time as there's no time nor season to being happy.

Thanks for reading.
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