So UFOs Are Real?

in #hive-148441last year

UFOs etc. are trending after the Hearings

Personally, I have researched this topic for over a decade now - read dozens of books, countless documentaries, scientific papers etc. I guess I am somewhat of an "expert" on this topic, just by the simple fact that almost no one in society actually did some independent research by themselves. So if you just do some basic research you will be ahead of 99% of the people around you.


After the Hearings #UFOs have been trending on Twitter and actually even before as well. This is interesting, since it seems that the disclosures from the Hearings are actually going somewhat mainstream. There are some major mainstream media outlets that have covered the event as well. But just diving into that stream of mass consciousness reveals a simple fact; there is absolute confusion right now in the space. Everybody seemingly has become an expert on the issue, and is informing everyone about what is going on: Psy-Ops, Project Blue Beam, Distraction etc. Very few tweets are made by actually informed individuals like Ross Coulthart, George Knapp, Bryce Zabel, Richard Dolan, Gary Nolan, Chritopher Mellon... These are the people to listen to if you actually want to understand what's going on. These people have talked about this issue for decades and are actually experts on the matter.

This is real

What is real? Well obviously UFOs or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena as they are now called. Anyone with basic research skills could have come to that conclusion many years ago. And I don't mean real as in this thing that we saw in the sky was unidentifiable and was a flying object, so UFOs of course are real... No, I am talking about the top 5 or 10% of the sightings that are genuine unexplainable enigmas, like the ones in the videos released by the Navy.

We know now on an official level that there are these objects flying in our skies and in the waters. It's an absolute undeniable fact. And because they are maneuvering in a way that "breaks" the current laws of physics we also know that they cannot be "ours". Especially, since they have been observed at least since the 1940s (there are reports going back centuries in fact). We didn't have those capabilities back then, and we do not have them now. Well, if these objects haven't been back engineered, like some have claimed.

This will have consequences

At the moment, society doesn't seem to have the capacity to absorb this information. Social media is also not the best place to get informed right now; there is just so much confusion. Some have said that the revelation of a non-human consciousness will ultimately cause an ontological shock in people/society and I totally agree. While people might still be able to shake off these developments easily as there are simply more important things in daily life ("excuse me, I have bills to pay"), these revelations will ultimately disturb people. It cannot otherwise. The fact that we are not alone is the biggest revelation in perhaps human history and will have far reaching consequences for the world at large. Not one social sphere will be left untouched: politics, religion, law, philosophy, science, you name it; they will all undergo radical change.

Who will lead the narrative?

This will be the important question in my opinion. We know that the government has lied to the public for decades and have ridiculed people for believing that this phenomena is real. "The government" cannot be trusted and any narrative that comes from it has to be heavily scrutinized. It will be much more valuable and important to listen to the actual experts of which I have named some above. These people are actually trustworthy (not infallible of course), and it will be very important to not get fooled by some powerful elites trying to spin this story in order to get even more power and control. For this reason central institutions should be scrutinized in general and we will have to seek a more broader societal dialogue/discussion to digest these revelations in a way so they cause the least harm to people. Because people's world views will get shaken, on that I have no doubt.


Do your own research if you have time! The most important thing right now, is to get up to speeds if you are not. Even if you only have half an hour a day to devote to this, I would strongly suggest you try and understand at least the basics of this phenomena. While nobody knows the ultimate answer to this enigma, it will be important to equip oneself with historical facts to see through the coming confusion.




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Most likely UFOs have been on Earth since very ancient times. I have only one question - do they influence the development of our civilization or do they not interfere.

I think this is true as well; probably they are also influencing our development. Although it is already unclear who "they" is. Is it one faction/species; or are there more likely more than one? I think in religion there are some cases that could point to such an interference (e.g. Maria apparitions; the bible also seems to suggest many cases); there are also the airships of the 19th century which could suggest an influence on our technological development

Perhaps life is not unusual in our universe. There must be many highly developed civilizations. And I don't think they need hundreds of years to cover interstellar distances. Most likely, outside of our dimension, there are some forms of intelligent life (these are no longer protein bodies). And from there they have instant access to any point in the physical universe.

@tipu curate

Well if you can't identify it it's obviously an UFO 😂😂

I wonder how far off we are from them making contact with us.

Many are saying that contact was already made thousands of years ago; they are simply observing us. They literally said this in the Rendlesham forest incident if you feel like researching it

Thanks, will have a read up about it.

I have always been skeptical about UFOs and extraterrestrial life on Earth. Astronomical studies show that there are trillions of planets that can host life. So I am sure that we are not alone. On the other hand, interstellar distances are immense and it is almost impossible to travel that long distance even for an advanced civilization.

I don't have extensive knowledge of UFOs, though. These are all perceptions.

On the other hand, interstellar distances are immense and it is almost impossible to travel that long distance even for an advanced civilization.

That assessment is based on the very limited and relatively recent knowledge we have gained of the universe. But if you look back in history there have always been continued scientific revolutions - so I wouldn't expect that we have reached the end of the line. What could a species do that is thousands or millions of years ahead of us?

If you have time and feel like it, I would encourage to research the topic. It can change your worldviews