Today's cleaning activity is one of my best ever. I had plans of dropping my entry for the ongoing cleanplanet contest but due to some reasons best kept to myself, I wouldn't be making my entry for the contest today. Probably by tomorrow, I will have better inspiration to write on the prompt for the #cleanplanet biweekly contest.
For today, it was a special day. Though I didn't have much things to do at home, but I had a lot to do in school. I had plans on how I would carry out my cleaning activity along the Nepa line street but guess what, I started from Udoette and picked trash down to the next street, far way bigger than the area I had in mind.
I took some photos of my cleaning activity today and here are the photos:
These photos above show the gradual and time evidence of my cleaning activity from the moment I started with an empty picking bag till I had the bag filled to the brim and squeezed to have more space for extra trash.
After I had walked through the street and made sure the trash that messed up the area were picked up, I made my way down to properly disposing of the gathered trash.
It's often said that “cleanliness is next to godliness”. For me, I apply this by making sure I wash my hands and gloves after every cleaning activity.