Game of blame doesn't help rather it helps to soil relationship, families, businesses etc. One of the crucial thing among my generation that is eating deep into lives is in the area of not defining our purpose and pursuing it as it supposed to be.
When you fail to take responsibility, definitely you would end up as a complainer. When you are full of complaints and grumbling, it will shorten your days. Growing up in an african setting where the elders are the most respected and admired. This kind of norms is gradually losing relevance as a result of our carelessness. This generation doesn't want to take any iota of responsibility instead end up complaining.
The decay in morality in our preseent day society is a result of negligence in the place of responsibility. Some parents only focus on how many children they can give birth to not minding what would it take to cater for their well being. This open the door for the children constitutes nuisance in the society.
Every parent tries to dodge but at the end every one wants to be good.
Devote your time, energy and resources so that impacts can be made in their lives. What you don't pay attention to. I want to encourage everyone to be responsible and take charge. Step out today and reduce the traffic.
Thanks for reading through.
Here is my picture
Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity